Monday March 20, 2006
Zane has a fever on and off. Rainy, expecting it to turn to snow soon. Now I am having serious sinus drainage leading to a sore throat. Fun times.
This is why I hate “well child” visits. They always seem to make your child sick. “Pediatrician of Pestilence!”
hang in there!!!
I’m sorry Zane is sick. I am also sorry that I haven’t been around to comment. I don’t know exactly how to get all the people I was subscribed to on my old site on my new one, so I haven’t gotten everyone, because when I try to be signed into my old one to get the list, it signs me into my old one again. So I just got subscribed to you again. Sorry to have missed you for so long. Happy early 3 months to Zora!
Oh no
I’ve even been to the peds offices that have the sick and well waiting areas at either side and that doesn’t even seem to work. And you know what is worse than a Dr’s office? A public school, LOL!
Love your smiley of the bricks raining down–I can definitely relate to that these days. Sorry you are dealing with illness in the house. It does just make everything that much harder, doesn’t it? Good luck!