31st October 2010


This year Zora wanted to go as a ladybug

So, here is the ladybug:

Zane wanted to go as “Toad”.  Not like a frog, but the character on Mario Bros.

This guy

So, here is Toad:

“OK kids, let’s take some pictures before we go…”

We headed out to the College Hill area, an area in town they block off the streets and the residents go to a lot of extra effort to decorate all out.  It is AWESOME.  It is like the most ideal, idyllic Halloween trick or treating scene ever.  We love it and are so thankful for the residents who go to the effort.  Our neighborhood is not conducive to ToTing, so this is fun.

We met up with Robert’s family and ran into several other families we know there.

The kids even made the news. Zora is at 1:43 (near the end), and you can see the rest of us in the background as she runs down the walk, shouting her “thank you” over her shoulder. When the newscaster comes back at the end she says “Love that little ladybug girl”, which puts a big grin on Zora’s face every time she sees it.

Hope your Halloween was as sweet as ours was.

posted in Halloween, Zane, Zora, video | Comments Off

6th February 2010

Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!

Phoebe’s family invited us to join them for the annual “Ice Cream for Breakfast” Day.  We did.  I would love to say that we were being super healthy and made “ice cream” by blending yogurt with frozen strawberries, but actually, I just forgot to buy ice cream and that was the easy substitute.  No noble crunchy intentions, just me being forgetful when shopping.  lol.

To translate the Zaneish:  “what do you need” is asking “what do you use to make the ice cream”

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17th February 2009

Shooting a Promo

#48 Autism Walk Commercial Day (where I accidentally left the camera in the car and missed the really good shots)

They had a sign that said “Get to Know Me” on it, for Zane to hold in case he wasn’t feeling talkative that day (he isn’t always).  We couldn’t get him to repeat the line, but since he can read, I suggested they hold the sign above the camera.  They did, and he did a great shot, appeared to look at the camera, and enthusiastically said “Get to K -no me”, pronouncing the silent K.  Everybody burst out laughing.  I rewrote the sign with “NO” in place of “Know”, and we reshot it.  It worked, although not quite as enthusiastic.

edited to add video:

posted in Autism, Autistic Life, In the News, Zane, project 365, video | Comments Off

9th April 2008

Video of Interview with Susan Peters

I like this interview much better.

posted in Autism, Autistic Life, In the News, ST, Zane, video | 6 Comments

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 8 months, and 16 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 8 months, and 20 days old
  • Random Quote

  • You can’t degeekify the geeks, but you can be a polite geek — Temple Grandin, PhD, Autistic

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