Zora made a “house” in the space between the sofa and loveseat and my desk. Throughout the day she keeps dragging things into her house…stuffies, play food, play dishes, pillows, blankets…I am not sure how much stuff she is going to manage to stuff into that small space, but she is certainly getting a lot in there. She worked all day to get it ready for Eilysh’s visit in the evening.
Zane recently discovered that his DSi takes photos and is showing it to Alex and Cody.
posted in Autistic Life, Friends, Play, minutia | Comments Off
SNOW! Big, beautiful, peaceful flakes. Happy & Cozy.
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It is nice to be looking forward to the weekend instead of dreading it. When you are unemployed, the weekends stink because you have no hope of being called for an interview, and no money to do anything.
I am SO SO VERY ready for respite care to resume tonight. I really missed it over the holidays.
posted in Autistic Life, ROCKO, minutia | Comments Off
These children of mine are growing entirely to quickly. They went back to swimming lessons today and Zora definitely needs a new suit, and if Zane gains 2 lbs, he won’t be able to get his on. Slow Down! I can’t keep up with y’all!
posted in Clothes/Fashion, The Kids, minutia | Comments Off
dropped glass broken, bleeding son who won’t keep the band-aid on, overflowing toilet from the girlchild’s overuse of toilet paper, spilled food, whining about everything, laundry & dishes mountains. I hope next year is better than this one.
later…It is better now that Zach is home from work. Everybody is happier. Honestly, I am thankful to only have “normal” kind of “bad day” problems, because there are much worse kinds of days to have.
So far this day is awesome, except for Zora constantly saying “it’s too booooring” every 2 minutes.
And, in Birthday preparations…
Kids are throwing me for a loop. I assumed that Zane wanted another Mario themed cake and Zora would want either a car and/or princess cake…nope, he wants “Pirates, with a 3D boat and 3D captain”. wuh whut? Zora wants a Dora cake. Both want “a cake with cupcakes around it”. Zora wants star candles. This shall be interesting.
and later….Now she wants a rainbow cake. That sounds so much better to me, I hope she doesn’t change her mind.
And, a quiet evening with coffee, drop of vanilla extract, some cinnamon and nutmeg, a bit of milk, curled up to watch Hell’s Kitchen finale.
Zora said “Mom was right”. Wish I would have gotten a recording of it. lol.
(she wanted to wear short-alls, I told her it was too cold and she needed to wear pants, she said she would put on pants over it, I told her that wasn’t going to be comfortable)
A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone. It doesn’t struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn’t have to. It is different. And there’s room in the garden for every flower. You didn’t have to struggle to make your face different than anyone else’s on earth. It just is. You are unique because you were created that way. Look at little children in kindergarten. They’re all different without trying to be. As long as they’re unselfconsciously being themselves, they can’t help but shine. It’s only later, when children are taught to compete, to strive to be better than others, that their natural light becomes distorted.
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