Taking the Scenic Route

Hanging at the Y

27th January 2011

Hanging at the Y

Zora didn’t have school today so she had to hang out with me while Zane had his gymnastics class.

He really loves being upside down, and there is an element of entertainment to watch him do so with long hair.  His head is actually a good 6 inches from the floor.

Zane is reminding me he is Autistic today. The lights in the bright sunny gym went off and it took a lot of effort for the teacher and I to get him back on task.  He was really upset by the change.

Trying the “dance” game.  She actually wasn’t too bad at it.

posted in Autistic Life, Dance/Gymnastics, Play, Video Games, YMCA | Comments Off

27th January 2011

Playing together

They purposely log onto the same game server on Club Penguin so they can challenge each other in games.   :love2:

posted in Autistic Life, Play, The Kids, Uber Nerd, Video Games | Comments Off

17th January 2011

Industrious boy

Zane spent a good chunk of time on the computer, then showed me the list he made.  It is to turn the wi-fi/internet on his DSi.  He wanted it on, but didn’t know how to do it, so he looked it up online.  Apparently, the place he found, assumed you didn’t have a computer at home and started with “go to the library”.  He was insisting that we go to the library until I convinced him that we could do it from home, but to wait for Dad to come home and he would help him.  This is the note he made:

And Zach helping him go through it to get it hooked up.

He was feeling very happy when it was on.

posted in Autistic Life, Language Development, Video Games, Zane | Comments Off

3rd January 2011

“Zora, will you play with me?”

“Zora, will you please play with me?” Never thought I would hear that phrase unprompted, but it was said today, several times. Zane was enjoying the DSi feature of allowing the systems to sync up and play a game together. Zora was thrilled until she started getting frustrated at always losing the game.

posted in Autistic Life, Video Games, Zane, Zora | Comments Off

11th December 2010

Rockstar and other fun

Robert and his kids spent the night.  Fun was had by all.

They brought the rockstar and the kids all jammed out

The girl’s interest waned and they found better things to do.  The leaves, the sun, and a beautiful autumnal day.

posted in Autumn, Friends, Play, Video Games, Zane, Zora | Comments Off

19th January 2010

Know how to impress a 6yo boy?

When you are babysitting a 6yo boy who wants to play the Star Wars Lego game on the Wii, be able to name all of the Star Wars characters and you will see a look of amazement and “How do you know who they are?!?”

I ended up playing with him after Zane got tired of playing. Zora wants to play but isn’t great at it, and Zach was helping transfer old files to my parent’s fixed computer while they waited, so he couldn’t play with him. I am not fabulous at the game, but apparently, I impressed him anyway. lol.

posted in The Kids, Video Games | Comments Off

4th August 2009

Rockband with Friends

posted in Friends, The Kids, Video Games | Comments Off

27th June 2009

Rock Band!

#178:  Rock Band! Robert won a Rock Band package, but has no Wii, and we have no Rock Band, so he brought it over with his kids and we played it for a few hours. Zora didn’t really want to sing the songs in the game, but in between “sets” she picked up the microphone and started singing her own ditty.

And some more pictures from the afternoon…

posted in Video Games, project 365 | Comments Off

23rd June 2009

Zombie Invasion.

#174: Zombie Invasion. This game is the current favorite of Zach & Zane (and Robert and his whole family). Any time they have computer time, this is the game I am most likely to see. At first I was objectioning because, well, it’s zombies, but then I realized it is sort of cute and funny, so I unclenched a little.

You can get it here: popcap, “Plants vs. Zombies”

In related silliness, this song is now stuck in my head.

posted in Video Games, Zane, project 365 | Comments Off

21st June 2009

Nerdy sibling love

#172: Nerdy sibling love. Not only were they sharing the space, Zane was helping her do the puzzle on the computer. Didn’t last terribly long, but it was great to see.

posted in The Kids, Video Games, project 365 | 1 Comment

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years, 1 month, and 13 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years, 1 month, and 17 days old
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  • I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision — Maya Angelou

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