Taking the Scenic Route

Zora, stir crazy.

1st February 2011

Zora, stir crazy.

Zora has requested that Opa come up here to move the snow so we can go to the store. LMAO. (he runs the grader/snowplow for their township, an hour away)

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29th January 2011

It’s a “Smart car”

Zora misheard us and called it a Smurf car. I like her version better.

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29th January 2011

Fashion Goal: As many colors as possible.

I hope she holds on to her fashion sense.  I love it.

posted in Clothes/Fashion, Giggle, Zora | Comments Off

27th January 2011

Playing together

They purposely log onto the same game server on Club Penguin so they can challenge each other in games.   :love2:

posted in Autistic Life, Play, The Kids, Uber Nerd, Video Games | Comments Off

26th January 2011

Touring Magnet Schools on “Oma Day”

This semester, on Wednesday, my mom comes up to Speech Therapy to pick Zora up during Zane’s Friendship group and spends the day with her.  This time we are switching things up.  She is going to have a day with Zane instead.  He wants to go the Kansas Cosmosphere in Hutchinson and to “Subway, Eat Fresh”.  Zach got off work to go with Zora and I to tour different magnet schools.

By the end of the day, we think Earhart will make the top of the list, with Hyde a close second, and Buckner (the closest one) as our third choice.  We liked all the schools we went to, but those seemed to be the best fit for Zora’s personality.

posted in Autistic Life, ST, School, The 2 Opas (J's Parents), Zane, Zora | Comments Off

26th January 2011

Oma Day with Zane

Posted by my Mom, on Facebook: Out of the mouths of babes… I had ZANE day today and we went to the Cosmosphere & Space center. We saw the IMAX show on the Hubble telescope with some of the spectacular pictures it took. At the end they showed deep deep space and showed irregular ‘blobs’ of solar systems, etc. After the last note of the music played Zane said “Just like in the beginning’ (Gen. 1). He gets it!

posted in Autistic Life, The 2 Opas (J's Parents), Zane | Comments Off

24th January 2011

STRESS. A very Autistic moment.

This morning at the YMCA, while I was trying to wedge Zora’s feet into her tap shoes Zane disappeared. He hasn’t done that in years. I went to see if he went to the bathroom, ended up getting a staff member to check for me because he would answer (not unusual), but he wasn’t there.  Then the staff joined in the search, and his ST happened to walk in the door for her workout and said she hadn’t seen him outside, so I ran back to where I started and saw him through the windows in Kid Zone. He apparently wandered in there when they were slammed and hadn’t had time to notify anybody yet. I thanked them for keeping him there, because me panicking and him safe was SO much better than him wandering around the facility. I decided to forgo the cardio workout and go home after her lesson. lol.

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24th January 2011


An often repeated scene.  This time, with Mr Seahorse by Eric Carle

posted in Books, Zora | Comments Off

24th January 2011

A Beaver Kite

Set her up with an easel, and this is what she does.  Don’t get the beaver kite, but it did make me smile.

posted in Art, Giggle, Zora | Comments Off

23rd January 2011


hee hee

posted in Art, Zora | Comments Off

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