Thursday February 16, 2006
Compare: the day we brought her home (December 30) and this evening. It is the same outfit.
Her thighs are actually CHUBBY! So fabulous!
I may stink at getting pregnant,
I may stink at staying pregnant,
I may stink at being pregnant,
I may stink at giving birth,
but dangit, I can make milk like nobody’s business!
I used to love to look at my kids’ chubby little bodies and know that I gave them that. Such a great feeling. She really is beautiful.
Wow, what a difference! That’s so great.
she is so gorgeous!!!
LOL! How great!!!! I love that she’s in almost the same position in the top two photos. So cute!
she is so delicious!
I can’t believe how big she’s gotten! Look at all that healthy chub! Go JenniferZ!
she is glowing…
you should be proud!
Wow!!! Bf baby glow
You should be proud!
Hey she is striking the same pose in the after pic lol1
You are what my lactation consultant would refer to as a “milk goddess” – the babe is beautiful… and getting so big!
Wow, she looks so different. What an adorable chubbers. Go Mama Milk!
She’s growing so good! Hope you have a great day!
So sweet! And yes, she’s really filled out – you definitely have some powerful milk there!