Taking the Scenic Route

Thursday February 23, 2006

23rd February 2006

Thursday February 23, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Ok, my kids are 15yo twin dds, 17yodd, 23yods, 26yodd.

I came home with infant twins, to a 2yo with severe speech delays, an 8 yo who had severe ADHD, and a 11 yo who had anger issues. Our house was just 1000 sq ft., it was still under sonstruction, no cabinets, or closets. Toys in baskets lined the wall, a twin box spring and mattress served for a couch, plywood floors were always dirty. Ugh. I thought I was going mad.

The 26 yo just flew her sisters to visit her!!! I have a whole freaking week with not a kid in sight, just me and dh. SOudn pretty good?

That 26yodd was the one, besdies her brother, that I though was going to make me absolutely nuts. She never stopped complaining, screaming, was chronically angry and made the entire house a drama every day.

Now she’s giving me a week off.

Ok, so she owes me a few more weeks, but I figure she might be the one wiping my butt when I’m 90.

My ds just decided to go to college. He hasn’t lived at home in years and is supoorting himself while he goes.

dd17 is off to college next fall. I hope! She’s always been easy.
the twinners are self-involved, as are most teens. They need a ride, vast quantities of food, money, a ride, huge meals, gallons of juice, cocoa, water, tea, anything, more money? Another ride.

And finally, a hug, a snuggle, family game day ormovie night.

And dh and I are glad to get another one in, before they too move on.

It’s coming. Even to you, even now. Each day moves you a tiny bit closer to that which we all claim to seek. A few minutes to ourselves.

But life is strange. You get NO minutes for years, then SLAM! 20, 30, 40, 50 YEARS of minutes. Minutes where you long for an interruption, a phone call, a card.

You have the time to sleep, but no need. THe time to cook, but no one to eat it with.


All I can say is save this up! Cram it all in like you’re filling a big sack with every bit of food you’ll need for the rest of your life. Few get second helpings. Few of us could stand it if we did!

And get a day off! Even a few hours. Restore yourself, nuture yourself. Take the kids OUT, make them yell and scream and run around till they drop from exhaustion, then feed trhem and do it some more. Then take ‘em home, feed ‘em again (you want ‘em full! ) run a hot tub, pour yourself a glass of wine or a spiffy tea, light a candle, and throw in a video. Use gates to cage them into an area you can see from the tub, even if it means dragging the tv into the bathroom!

Ah, they’re gone 36 hours and I’m missing them.

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 23rd, 2006 at 5:16 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years and 28 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years, 1 month, and 1 day old
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  • Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. — Dwight D Eisenhower

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