Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday April 2, 2006

2nd April 2006

Sunday April 2, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Fun with Kiddos

x2006-04-01 014 paint 

x2006-04-01 032 paint 

x2006-04-02 007 Zora mirror 


Fun with Macro function on camera

x2006-03-31 021b macro fun 

x2006-04-01 020 paint 

x2006-03-31 008 macro fun 



This entry was posted on Sunday, April 2nd, 2006 at 5:08 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 9 responses to “Sunday April 2, 2006”

  1. 1 On April 2nd, 2006, mattswifey_sophiasmommy said:

    Looks like Zane’s having fun painting Dora.  Sophia LOVES watching Dora every morning with me.  Zora’s growing like a weed, isn’t she?   She’s so cute!  Hope you have a great day!

  2. 2 On April 2nd, 2006, ladyjabez said:

    I added you to my protected list… sorry I didn’t add you before….

    Oh… and as always, the kiddos are sweet as ever… and your little girl is getting so big!

  3. 3 On April 2nd, 2006, dayveg said:

    You are quite the photographer…I love the macro shots!

  4. 4 On April 2nd, 2006, tatiana622 said:

    Very nice! Glad things are going well.

    RYC: Thanks, but you were off by 10. What can I say? I started everything late. But I appreciate the good wishes.

  5. 5 On April 2nd, 2006, bionicsquirrel said:

    Does Zane really color within the lines of the picture like that?  That is interesting.  I still don’t color in the lines, and especially not so thoroughly.  Plus, did he choose brown for the hair etc.?

  6. 6 On April 3rd, 2006, Jennifer_Z said:

    zane had a lot of “help” from dad this time around, which is why there are no close-ups of the artwork, but he can stay in the lines if he wants to.  he did choose all the colors though

  7. 7 On April 3rd, 2006, Jessemommy said:

    Isn’t macro cool? Hey look Zora is lifting her head up while on her tummy!

  8. 8 On April 4th, 2006, lovelymama24 said:

    ryc, I don’t hate ducks now, but for some reason at five I did. :)

    I LOVe the pics especially of Zane, he looks deep in thought.

  9. 9 On April 4th, 2006, baremountain said:

    i wish my camera hasd a macro setting, they are just so fun

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