Taking the Scenic Route

Wednesday July 13, 2005

13th July 2005

Wednesday July 13, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

Good morning, Very bad afternoon, OK right now

The visit with his family went well.  They met him this morning and went to his class.  She even recorded it so I can see him teach later on video.  After the class, he called me so I could meet them at Target to go shopping for a bit.  I was rushing around to get me and Zane ready on time and go out there.  It was HOT out too.  Wandering around the SuperTarget for an hour was more tiring than I anticipated though.

We came back to our place and ate.  Afterwards, everybody was tired, to they left to take a nap and we decided we definitely needed some sleep too.  As Zach was gathering Zane for a nap, I went to the bathroom.  That is when I discovered that I had been spotting.  Well, more than spotting, but not full out bleeding either.

I started crying and shaking uncontrollably as I cleaned myself up and found the phone.  The only good thing…I have my drs number memorized.  I almost couldn’t talk I was so upset.  They said not to break any speed laws, but to come on in right away.

Long, long trip to the dr.  I couldn’t even read anything in the waiting room.  The top number of my blood pressure was 132….the highest I think I have ever seen it.  He didn’t even type the stuff into the machine, just had me lay down and start the sonogram

Found the sac, then he moved the screen so I could see that my babe was still in there, dancing around, with that fluttery little heart.  The tears started again, this time in relief.  Zach said when I came out he couldn’t tell if it was good or bad until I gave him a thumbs up because I still couldn’t stop crying. 

So, I am back on bedrest.  I am supposed to call back if the bleeding increases, but it doesn’t appear to be doing so.  They don’t know what is causing it.

We were sort of crappy hosts though…they were going to stop back by this evening before  they were going to meet a friend for supper and we were asleep to the world when they called.   Hopefully they won’t be upset.  I can’t imagine they would be.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 13th, 2005 at 9:16 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Wednesday July 13, 2005”

  1. 1 On July 16th, 2005, LynnE73 said:

    Wishing you good baby vibes at this very moment. I don’t know if you know or not but I bled through my entire pregnancy with Walter. Bright red blood, no correlation to having sex, exercise or anything else. My midwife did say that sometimes it can be from the placenta moving up a bit higher. I also bled with Arden, bright red blood with clots. It’s so scary and I haven’t even had a miscarriage so I can only imagine what your stress must be like. Rest and drink lots and lots of water. Water till you float away!

  2. 2 On July 17th, 2005, bionicsquirrel said:

    Oh, Jennifer, I am sorry that this stressful event is happening.  I hope this are going alright tonight and that it turns out to be just some spotting and nothing else.  I will keep you in my thoughts and send you some healing energy. 

    Don’t worry about being a bad host, that is like worrying about having clutter in your house when you are bed ridden.  There are more important things to take care of, you know?

    love bianca

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