Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday January 22, 2005

22nd January 2005

Saturday January 22, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

A serious dress code

So, is there a dress code for that “actor’s studio” show?  I have flipped past it a lot of times and have never seen any one wear anything but black on the show.  Maybe it is to create the illusion that they are *serious* people doing *serious* work in a *serious* industry so they wear *serious* clothes, which is of course, *serious* black.   They look seriously uncreative for “creative” people.

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 22nd, 2005 at 3:50 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 7 responses to “Saturday January 22, 2005”

  1. 1 On January 22nd, 2005, home.aspx?user=ylatan said:

    i live in texas and didn’t know it.  :X

  2. 2 On January 22nd, 2005, home.aspx?user=feebeeglee said:

    In his defense he was doing it to the University of Texas marching band in the parade, who most certainly knew what it was. It wasn’t just some random gesture :-D

  3. 3 On January 22nd, 2005, home.aspx?user=norcalmommy said:

    Well, apparently my husband knew exactly what it meant, but he is a huge football fan, so it’s no surprise there. And really, I don’t think the president has really thought out anything that he does or says too carefully. I mean, I would hope that if he did he would sound smarter than he does.

  4. 4 On January 23rd, 2005, home.aspx?user=bionicsquirrel said:

    A funny aside:  I was at California Adventure this Christmas and while there, the big roller coaster was shut down for maintainance.  Want to know why?  Because the entire Texas Longhorns football team decided they wanted to ride it, all at the same time.  Well, the weight limit was surpassed and the coaster broke while the players were on and they all got stuck up there for about 45 minutes.  Or so I heard :)

  5. 5 On January 23rd, 2005, home.aspx?user=gentlemom said:

    Weeeeellll. . .I knew it and I’m not from Texas.  I think people are grasping at straws with this one.  There are more important things to ridicule this moron about! ;-p

  6. 6 On January 23rd, 2005, home.aspx?user=MourningJoy said:

    that symbol doesn’t  really mean “hail satan”. come on, who would really make up a sign called “hail satan”? satanists wouldn’t even do that imo b/c the first rule in the satanic books is not to worship satan but to worship self. I think it’s just one of those dumb assed rumours that starts so people an go “oh my gosh! did you see that!? that guy said he was a satan worshiper!”.

     a sign is only what you make it to be.  but yeah all religious “study” aside, it think it’s safe to bush wouldnt be making a satanic hand guesture. he’s clueless about such things. he’s innocent in that respect. and honeslty? everyone says or does something stupid once and again. I’m more worried about his presidental abilities than his lighthearted goofiness.

  7. 7 On January 23rd, 2005, home.aspx?user=Jennifer_Z said:

    Although I would agree that he is clueless MourningJoy, you really should think about how the world perceives him.  He really offended a lot of countries and it was all over the international news.  Unless you live under a rock, that symbol has been around for years, and accross cultures as a satanic symbol.  I don’t think that is how Bush used it, but I was talking about the irony of somebody who uses his religion for political gain, and then uses a distinctly satanic symbol.  The irony was thick.  To be clear, I do not think he used is as a satanic gesture, I was just laughing at the irony of it being known as a satanic symbol AND a sports team in Texas.  Grow a sense of humor!. 

    It was FUNNY people.  I have a very dry sense of humor and if you can’t understand that. maybe you should take me off your list of reading material.

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    If a child lives with impropriety, he learns to feel shame.
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    If a child lives with encouragement he learns confidence
    If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
    If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
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