Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday December 13, 2005

13th December 2005

Tuesday December 13, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

I had a really fun time yesterday, but I tired myself out and spent the evening on the couch instead of posting about it.  lol.

For the first time since Halloween, I actually went out to do something other than go to the doctor.  To illustrate how housebound we have been:  we went out to the car to go, and realized Zane’s car seat wasn’t in there.  lol.  It was still sitting in our living room from when my parents took him out earlier in the week.  How sad is that?

Anyway, we had a gift certificate for Old Navy, so we went SHOPPING!  Zach got 2 pairs of badly needed jeans (he only had one pair), Zane got a sweater since he didn’t have one and my hands can’t make one right now, Zane also got two thermal shirts & a package of socks.  For the baby we got some fleece pants (diaper friendly) and a little jacket that matches it, and some socks & a fluffy pair of warm booties.  It was so much fun to shop.  Old Navy is near the mall entrance and they have shopping carts to lean on, so it isn’t as hard to shop as normal mall stores.  I still had to stop and sit on the floor for a bit a few times during the trip, but it was really nice to get out for an hour.

Before we went to Old Navy we went to another department store.  The ‘normal’ prices are waaaaayyyyy our of our price range, but they have the most kick butt sales on kid’s shoes I have ever seen.  $125 shoes for $20 because they are last season’s shoes.  He has been very excited about his new shoes.  His toes were hitting the ends of his shoes, and they were canvas and not very warm, so he really needed some.   I have a 3 year old that wears size 12 shoes.  Whoa!  That kid has some serious potential to be tall!

On other notes, my aunt is making me a Boppy.  Her church group made a bunch for a charity, so she has a pattern and asked my mom if she thought I would like one.  My mom gave her an enthusiastic YES!  (thanks mom).  So, now I can take that off my list. 

I got an email from one of my mom’s friends (I know her too, I grew up with her and her girls are just a bit older than me) who kept running into holistic care for pre-e all week, even though she wasn’t looking for it.  She decided to email me.  Evidently, magnesium is good for helping prevent/treat pre-e.  I looked up food sources of magnesium and chuckled at the list.  I guess my body knew what I needed because the list pretty much mirrored my diet the last weeks…nuts, green leafies (for me it has been spinach), cereal (especially oatmeal and shredded wheat…the two I have been eating a lot of), potatoes (the skins have been what I have been hungry for, which is where the magnesium is), bananas, beans, and, although a bit lower on the list, chocolate milk (I usually am NOT a fan of milk and can only tolerate it with chocolate, but have found myself actually wanting it in the last weeks), and chocolate in general.  lol.  It is sort of cool to realize you are doing a good job of listening to your body.  Plus, eating so many nuts was sort of bothering me.  I like nuts, but more of a once-in-a-while thing because of their fat content.  I have gone ahead and eaten them since I haven’t been gaining a lot of weight, but I couldn’t eat them without wondering if I was dooming myself to gaining too much weight.  Knowing that there is something specific in them that my body is needing right now, besides the fact that it is a reasonably healthy fat, makes me not cringe when I find I have eaten a bunch of nuts. 

Finishing on a happy note here…the baby has been really active recently.  It is really good to see my tummy moving around and feeling her again.  I know that not feeling her doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong, but feeling her active definitely means good things, so it makes me very happy, even when she is kicking me in uncomfortable places.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 13th, 2005 at 5:58 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Tuesday December 13, 2005”

  1. 1 On December 15th, 2005, tatiana622 said:

    I have a suspicion (which my midwife backs me up on) that many of the so-called “cravings” pg women experience are really our bodies telling us that we need particular things–I had a real craving for spinach and mushroom salads one time during my pregnancy–same kind of thing you were talking about. I agree with you–it’s cool when we can be so tuned into things like that!

    Glad things are going a little better. I’m sending you calm thoughts and images for a good outcome, whenever that may be!

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