Taking the Scenic Route

Monday April 4, 2005

4th April 2005

Monday April 4, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

I am putting in a reminder here to VOTE ON TUESDAY!  They are trying to ban gay marriage here.  I will be damned if I let that happen without at least getting my voice heard.  There is some hope…there is a group of clergy who are sending around a petition against the ban…of course, the pastor that is heading it is a Mennonite pastor (not surprising in a peace and social justice church) and, obviously, this is not a radical idea in the Mennonite church so I don’t know how many votes it will change, but maybe it will get out some votes that normally think it isn’t it isn’t worth the effort since the Cons always win around here of late.   (For the record, the pastors aren’t condoning gay marriage, per say, they are against the ban that says they are not allowed to marry.  They aren’t ‘for’ gay marriage, they are ‘against’ discrimination.)

I am having a difficult time remaining civil to my neighbor…I can not tell you how bad I want to put a something over his bumper sticker supporting the ban.  I won’t do anything.  He has the right to express his views, but my view of him is certainly darkened.   I don’t understand when the phrase ‘family values’ became ‘hate families that aren’t heterosexual”  It is ludicrous.  I wouldn’t have even cared as much about this whole deal if they wouldn’t have started claiming that gay marriage will destroy marriage.  Um, my marriage is fine, thank you very much.  I have no idea how somebody being gay can make my marriage any less (or more, for that matter) than it is.  One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.  Uh.  These people! 

edited to add:

After reading some blogs, I came across Dr. Tiff’s site.  Some really great posts

about John Danforth’s letter

about constitutional issues

and my comments:

It is no wonder that the Republicans are trying to destroy our educational system.  If you have ANY understanding of history, you can clearly see how the actions of our current administration will lead us down a path of destruction.  There are direct correlations in history that demonstrate how the actions of our government will lead to our downfall.  It is really sad.  This nation was started on such noble principles, with some great forward-thinking men, and in a short amount of time those principles are being eroded.  One administration is doing this.  I love this country, but I hate what it is being twisted into right now. 

I can not fathom why ‘intellectual’ is becoming a bad word now days.  The great irony of it is that the politicians loudly proclaiming “educated people are stupid’ (to paraphrase) are, themselves, college graduates, and often hold post-graduate degrees.  What I find even more astonishing is that the sheeple are believing it. 

This entry was posted on Monday, April 4th, 2005 at 7:26 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Monday April 4, 2005”

  1. 1 On April 4th, 2005, home.aspx?user=DrTiff said:

    thanks for commenting!  I was afraid people were getting tired of my re-postings of articles, but this issue just can’t be ignored!

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