Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday August 29, 2004

29th August 2004

Sunday August 29, 2004

posted in Uncategorized |

Finally made it downtown to the main library today to return some books I found in storage.  (never unpacked a few boxes of books and was horrified to discover some old library books)  I did have time to pick up a few books before they closed and am having a ball flipping through “Stitch and Bitch”.  It was on my list to buy, but I wasn’t able to look at it “live” and decided the Vogue Knitting book looked really comprehensive so I got that instead.  I am glad I made that choice, but I really am liking the laid back approach to knitting this book takes.  It does do a better job of explaining why a particular stitch is good in a particular situation than Vogue does, but it doesn’t cover nearly the info of Vogue.  I now am adding little comments in the margins of the Vogue book from this one. lol. 

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 29th, 2004 at 12:30 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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  • Zane is 23 years and 20 days old
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  • Zora is 19 years and 24 days old
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  • Where did we ever get the crazy idea that in order to make children do better, first we have to make them feel worse? Think of the last time you felt humiliated or treated unfairly. Did you feel like cooperating or doing better? — Jane Nelson

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