Taking the Scenic Route

Family gathers at the Farm

30th August 2004

Family gathers at the Farm

posted in Uncategorized |

We just got back from my folk’s farm tonight.  We originally left with both cars to do some tune-ups, but the Olds only made it about 15 minutes out of town before overheating.  We left it in a parking lot to pick up on the way back.   I guess it REALLY needs some work. lol.

We had fun out at the farm.  Zane played in the sand pile for a bit with his Grandpa while Zach made burgers and hot dogs on the BBQ.  Steve and Joy came over with Shelby (dog) and Zane excitedly watched the game of fetch.  The dog ran after the toy, Zane ran after the dog.  While we were eating, Zane drank from a cup and was quite pleased with himself.  By the end of the meal, his shirt was wet from some of the over-exuberance, but he did an impressive job with his new skill.  (you can see his wet shirt front in the pictures where he is watching fireworks)

After supper, Joy and Steve set off some fireworks they saved from 4th of July since Zane hadn’t been able to come out that day.  I have not seen Zane belly laugh that hard in a while.  Oh my goodness he was SO excited.  He would start giggling in anticipation as Steve would walk out with the new firework and the giggling would build to a full belly laugh as the firework went off.  It was so much fun.  Zach had to hold him on his shoulders to keep him from darting toward the fireworks. 

After the fireworks, we went inside and Mom gave him a LeapPad, two books to go with it, and a microphone attachment.  At the same time, Steve & Joy set down two boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts.  You can guess which one he went to.  lol. He put a fingerprint on every one of the donuts and, knowing we don’t usually let him have donuts, grabbed one and jammed it into his mouth as fast as he could.  Luckily, after only about 3 bites, he was more interested in what Grandma was doing so I could dispose of the rest of the donut. 

We knew mom was going to give him the LeapPad because she called yesterday standing in front of them in the store.  She had the same concern we did with them…the pads meant for his age focus on tracing letters, and he already draws his letters, so it seemed like it wasn’t a good fit.  She ended up getting the regular LeapPad (meant for 4-7 year olds) instead.  It is over his head at this point, but he spent a full 30 minutes when we got home trying to figure it out.  In that amount of time he figured out he doesn’t have to pound the pen into book for a response (whew!  I was worried he would break it) and figured out the “GO” button (making a G sound whenever he touched it) and figured out that by touching specific pictures it makes sounds.  He hasn’t figured out to run the pen across words yet and I don’t think he gets what the whole thing is about at this point, but I imagine that will come pretty soon.

On a different note, Joy actually hugged me twice during the evening….once when we got there and when they said good-bye.  I don’t remember her ever doing that before, especially not the genuine full hug we had tonight.  Maybe we will finally start making a connection.  She and I are so different in some ways, and the way too much alike in ways that make it hard for us to connect.  Our live experiences are so very different and we are in such different places in life, but I love her very much and really want us to be close. 

The pictures I want to keep in my head for the day:  My Dad and Zane playing in the sandbox together.  Zane on Zach’s shoulders watching the fireworks with Zane giggling and Zach adding sound effects as the fireworks go off…pure joy on their faces.  The drive home with us singing almost the entire hour home.

Zane and his Grandpa playing in the sandbox


Zach battles the flames


Zane playing in the fountain


An all too familiar scene


Watching fireworks

This entry was posted on Monday, August 30th, 2004 at 2:32 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Family gathers at the Farm”

  1. 1 On August 30th, 2004, home.aspx?user=midnightowl said:

    Awww! What a beautiful day! We have been thinking about getting a LeapPad for Daniel for Christmas.

    Every time I see pictures your family’s “sandbox” it gives me fond memories of my childhood. We always had a pile of dirt (river sand, my dad called it) around the yard.

  2. 2 On August 30th, 2004, home.aspx?user=Jennifer_Z said:

    The sandpile is actually a pile of sandy dirt from the creek that runs through my mom’s home place.  Five generations of our family lived on that land before it was sold last year, but before it was sold, my dad got a truckload of river sand to make a sandbox for Zane.

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