Taking the Scenic Route

Monday March 12, 2007

12th March 2007

Monday March 12, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

Well, all my debate skills came in handy.  I called the apartment manager, and she started arguing with me.  I started quoting statutes.  For a few seconds it sounded like she was arguing that we had to stay in the apartment until the 31st or we would be breaking our lease.  I pointed out that we had paid the rent in full already, and questioned whether we actually had to reside here.  She sounded like she was going to say yes, but put me on hold to ask somebody.  (and likely pull out our records to make sure we had paid)  She kept arguing with me that we signed the lease and it said we had to give 60 days notice, and that although we didn’t break the lease, we did give improper notice.  I pointed out that because we were not at-will, and statute (whatever) states that we are not required to give notice if there is a termination date on the contract.  I also understood that they do have recourse if we stay past that date, but legally, we are expected to vacate at that date, so notice is not required.  She kept arguing that we signed the contract, I said that statute (whatever) states that any provisions in violation of the laws is unenforceable and that a judge would recognize that.  After some more, heightening legal tiffs, she said she would get back with me. 

She called back a few minutes later, saying they contacted their attorney (I’m not saying anything, but that was an awful fast call to talk to both her manager AND an attorney) and that their lease would hold up in court (oh…it was hard not to interrupt at that point, but I had a feeling she was making a contrition, just had to give some bravado first), but that her manager and she agreed that as long as we turned in all of our keys and had the carpets professionally cleaned, with receipts, that they would not fight it further.  I told her getting all the keys to her by the first would not be a problem, in fact, it is likely it will be earlier, but I would have to get back to her on the carpet cleaning.  She informed me that according to the lease, we had to have them professionally cleaned (must be hidden in the fine print…will have to be sure it is actually there), or they will take $40 out of the security deposit.  Now, considering I know NOBODY that has gotten their security deposit after vacating (and know several that have perfectly clean and non-damaged apartments who are being charged more than their security deposit), I am not terribly concerned about the security deposit.  I know these people are jerks and will find a way to eat up the deposit.  We are going to have to be meticulous about photographing and documenting the condition of the apartment in case we have to go to court over that.

Basically, in layman’s terms, They got caught with their pants down, tried to claim they were wearing armor undies, but we can still see their butts.  These people never back down, so I think it is pretty safe to assume that they knew there was a better chance than not we would not only win a court case, but could make a bit of a stink on the way there.

That was sort of fun.  Maybe I should go to law school.  lol.

This entry was posted on Monday, March 12th, 2007 at 6:16 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 6 responses to “Monday March 12, 2007”

  1. 1 On March 12th, 2007, mischievium said:

    Good for you, Jennifer Z. It’s too bad they have to be such jerks about it, but yay for you for standing up for yourselves!

  2. 2 On March 12th, 2007, etownsend2468 said:

    Good for you on setting them straight!  The new place looks really nice.  Good luck with all the packing and moving.  You asked me earlier when our anniversary is-it’s the same as your friends-April 22!  Also, Fridge Phonics plays that same  tune “A says ah…”!  lol.

  3. 3 On March 13th, 2007, Thia7278 said:

    Way to go!  I am glad you are not backing down.  I agree with taking lots of pictures of the place before you leave.  How much does it cost to have the floors done?

  4. 4 On March 13th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    Way to go!  Stick it to them, they deserve it.

  5. 5 On March 13th, 2007, zosma said:

    Good for you!  I’d let them take the 40 dollars, could you even find a pro to clean them for that?

  6. 6 On March 14th, 2007, Jessemommy said:

    I say good for you and I hope you stick it to them! We’ve never had a good experience moving out of a place, yet. It’s what I hate about renting!

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