Taking the Scenic Route

Friday July 20, 2007

20th July 2007

Friday July 20, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

Call me shocked.  Call me amazed.  Call me HAPPY!  The SpEd coordinator called me already.  WooHoo! 

I relayed a brief version of what we have been through, trying to emphasis that I knew not everybody was like that, and I just wanted to work with the team to get Zane in the best position possible.  He wants to talk to some people, including a Clinical Educator for ST, who he has worked with before, and then get back to me.  (I made it clear that I wanted him to talk to her because I know she will be able to communicate exactly what he needs to know about Zane, without the extra “mama fluff” that I will inevitably throw in because I am his “mom”, and not a professional)  For one thing, a mom, who’s child has never been in the school system, who comes to him saying “he is really bright, even though he can’t really communicate very well” is going to naturally be met with skepticism.  A professional saying that is going to have more credibility.  He has a long way to go in some very important areas, but he is really bright too, even with his delays, which complicates the issues a bit.  It will be an interesting balancing act keeping him challenged in the academics while working on his delays in communication.

No, we will not be starting school when the regular session starts meeting, but I don’t think we will be pushing the deadline as hard as I feared either.  Although I legally have the option of just dropping him off that first day, I certainly don’t think it is in anybody’s best interests, teachers or students, and definitely not Zane’s, which is my primary concern.  I am just so relieved that I am finally being listened to. 


In other good phone calls, last night Zach’s dad called him.  He got out of the hospital the day before yesterday.  It sounds like it happened on Saturday-Sunday instead of Friday-Saturday, and the appendix burst during the surgery, as the Dr. was removing it, not during the exam.  Still really bad and it took a while for them to clean everything up, but it could have been so much worse.  He is, understandably, very tired.  I did find it rather….interesting….that he called instead of her, but I am mostly just glad to finally hear his voice and know that he is doing alright.  (or as good as he can be.  abdominal surgery sucks, I ought to know. ) 


It would be the perfect trifecta of phone calls if the company called back with a second interview offer for Zach.  We have a few more hours before business closes for the weekend.  There is still time.  Keep your fingers crossed.  edited to add:  no such luck.  Ah well, another weekend waiting for Monday again.  *sigh*


This entry was posted on Friday, July 20th, 2007 at 2:36 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Friday July 20, 2007”

  1. 1 On July 20th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    What a relief!  At least things are moving forward for Zane. 

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