4th February 2007

Super crowds

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Seriously, I forgot there was a big game tomorrow, but figured it out when we had to park out in the edges of the parking lot to pick up some groceries.  I am guessing that we had particularly bad timing because it seemed like every other person was wearing a WSU shirt and, apparently, a game just let out.  By the attitude of the people, I would also guess we lost.  Oh boy, it was a fun time. 

As soon as I saw the sheer volume of people I did something we haven’t done in a while, just put Zane in the basket of the cart and charged through shopping as fast as we could.  Zane would occasionally start getting upset and when we asked what the problem was, it was because he wanted something (like chocolate milk) and couldn’t just walk over to get it, but he used words to tell us.  It sometimes took a bit for us to understand him, but considering the environment, I was pretty impressed he was able to communicate anything beyond crying.  Heck, even I was struggling to remain calm and friendly.  He did request to get down, and he walked for a bit, but I started seeing some pre-meltdown behavior and got down on his level and gave him a few really firm all-body hugs and then he was then calm enough to agree to get back in the cart without a battle or a meltdown.  He really did well.  In fact, unless 80% of the kids in there were also ASD, he did better than a lot of typical kids. 

I am just so proud of him.  The stress of the semester seems to be backing off a bit and we are seeing a bit more spontaneous language again.  We are also noticing that he is getting pronouns (I, you, me) right more often now, which is a really good thing. 

Oh..we also had a first today!  He tried pancakes!  I have given him pancakes countless times but he wouldn’t even try them.  I guess the number of stories involving pancakes finally made him comfortable enough to give them a try.  He even ate quite a few bites of pancakes after that, so I can assume he likes them.  It might seem silly, but pancakes were one of my favorite foods as a child and it is nice to see him finally letting himself enjoy them also. Zora, naturally, didn’t need a second invitation to take a bite. She was trying to crawl across the table to get to her brother’s pancakes.  lol.

Now that I have a second, I am going to see how the WSU game went today and see who is playing the Superbowl tomorrow.  There is a “Monk” marathon on tomorrow, so we might watch that instead of Star Wars DVDs (our traditional superbowl party entertainment)…guess we will see if we “Feel the Force”. 

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 4th, 2007 at 1:21 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 3 responses to “Super crowds”

  1. 1 On February 4th, 2007, Thia7278 said:

    Nice shopping trip…I forgot about the game today too and now I am really glad I decided NOT to go out yesterday.  It would have been more hassle than I wanted to deal with.  As for pancakes…anything smothered in syrup is good in this house.

  2. 2 On February 4th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    That shopping trip is huge!  I’m so impressed he held it together.  Sounds like Zane did well by any standards, not just ASD standards. And he tried something new.  I love reading about his progress toward navigating this world.  It’s hard work for him and every little step is a milestone.  :-)

  3. 3 On February 4th, 2007, tatiana622 said:

    Glad you all managed to get through a stressful situation with grace and aplomb! I love Monk, too, by the way!

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