Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday February 17, 2007

17th February 2007

Saturday February 17, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

We think we know why Zane has been a chewing maniac of late.  His bottom tooth is loose and wiggly.  We have noticed that his teeth were growing apart on his lower jaw over the last months, but I didn’t think kids started losing teeth this early.  Of course, he got his teeth abnormally early too and I know I had my two front teeth out the Chrith-muth when I wath thix. (6) (yeah, thanks mom.  lol.  my front teeth were marginally loose and mom ‘helped them along’ so I could sing “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth” for everybody.  *shaking head* )  It looks like he will be starting to lose his baby teeth soon.  To fast for this mama.  He needs his baby teeth, he is still my baby!


Ok, so I probably shouldn’t write about politics, but hey, it’s my blog and I can write what I want.

I bet you think you could guess my opinion of “In Inconvenient Truth” since I definitely lean liberal.  You would be wrong.  I really didn’t like it at all, for several reasons. 

  1. I am less sold on ‘global warming’ after the film than I was before the film.  I found a lot of room for the statistics to be manipulated and interpreted.  I totally agree that there is a shift, but I am more in the camp of a polar shift causing climate change than global warming.  I am also not buying a total doomsday scenario.
  2. It made some basic assumptions (like the measurement of temperature was as accurate in the past as it is now) that I just am not comfortable hanging an entire theory over.
  3. The voice-overs.  ugh.  After a while I felt like the movie was more about manipulating my emotions than presenting me with actual science.  The science in the film could have been put in 10 minutes or so.  I would rather see that and then a discussion of how they arrived at the statistics (methods used, exact descriptions, the science stuff…how the studies were done precisely).  I felt like I was wasting my time listening to sentimental bs about a scientific issue.  It actually made me more angry when I looked back on it than it did at the time because it seemed purposeless.  Granted, my version would have been over the head of a lot of people and would have garnered criticism for being to dry, but that is what *I* would have liked to have seen.  Plus, I felt like if the science were totally sound, like they kept insisting it was, they would have spent time defending the science instead of that halting beatnik style voice and swelling music over nature cinematography.  And why did he put the thing in about the elections in Florida.  Why?!?  I think the election was stolen from him and despise Bush, but I don’t understand the purpose of putting it in the film, unless, of course, the film was more about him than the issue.

I rarely debate the issue with anybody though because the RESULT of people believing in global warming is totally in line with my belief system.  If people need to believe that global warming exists and the only solution is to be better stewards of our earth, leave a smaller ecologic footprint and find alternative fuel sources, then I will gladly push the global warming agenda.  I think that as Christians we should be doing this.  Jesus talks more about being stewards of earth than He does about almost all other issues, with the exception of being loving and kind to people.  Finding alternate fuels serves both of these….better use of resources and less violence and war trying to get to the fossil fuels.  win-win situation there.

In other politics –

I am still a big fan of Obama.  Everything I hear about him makes me like him even more.  I love his idealism, his energy and his vision.  I am also growing tired of the spam and false information I keep finding in my email.  It is like there is no REAL reason to dislike him, so people are making stuff up to attack his character.  I can respect disagreeing, but I just find it infuriating when I get a bunch of lies disguised as ‘information’.  I am sure there are people stupid enough to believe it too.

On the other hand, I am less than enchanted with Hilary.  I liked Bill for the most part.  I didn’t agree with some of his legislation, but overall, I liked him.  I think the only way I would vote for Hillary is if she was the lesser of two evils.  It wouldn’t be hard for a Republican to be a greater evil, but I imagine that there are a few I wouldn’t have a problem with since I am fairly moderate.  About the only motivation for seeing Hillary as president is seeing Bill as the first man (or whatever that would be called). 

This entry was posted on Saturday, February 17th, 2007 at 6:56 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 3 responses to “Saturday February 17, 2007”

  1. 1 On February 18th, 2007, Jessemommy said:

    There was a correct term for the “first man” as featured on that show where Gena Davis was “madame president” but I can’t remember what it was. Anyways I pretty much feel the same as you do. I’m not sold on global warming though I don’t mind the hype too much because I feel we should take care of the earth better – on the other hand “the earth will shake us off like a bad case of fleas” – George Carlin – meaning who are we humans to think we’re such big shots that we can kill a 4 billion year old planet off in 200 years when it’s been through worse. The presidential race to come will definately be one of the most interesting in our lifetimes I think. Rudy G has thrown his hat in officially and even though he is replublican I like him the most (out of the republicans that is LOL) Hilary is one of the strongest females in politics the world over and has pretty much unlimited funds at her disposal, yet Obama is very interesting and I have yet to find fault with him. I’m not Hilary’s biggest fan, I don’t agree with all of her political beliefs, esp as she is NY Senator, but a first female president is so tempting sometimes. We’ll see!

  2. 2 On February 18th, 2007, tatiana622 said:

    I tend to agree with you–on the surface, I am less than enchanted with Hillary–I’m afraid she will be too much of a lightening rod. I like what I have heard about Obama, but I am concerned about his lack of experience (I guess I have issues with everyone, right?). But either one of them excites me so so much more than just another white man…I AM annoyed about the fact that the 2008 election seems to have started the day after the mid-terms…I mean, give us a break!

  3. 3 On February 20th, 2007, feebeeglee said:

    Abby lost her two bottom front teeth before she turned 5. Here she is at her fifth birthday party.

    Haven’t seen AIT, but I just read State of Fear.

    I think Hillary will get the nomination.

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 4 months, and 9 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 4 months, and 13 days old
  • Random Quote

  • You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe. — Marcus Cole, to Dr. Franklin on “Babylon 5: A Late Delivery from Avalon”

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