Taking the Scenic Route

Thursday August 16, 2007

16th August 2007

Thursday August 16, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

I haven’t posted about Zora cuteness lately, with all the crummy stuff that has been going on, but I think I will take a few minutes to do that.

She still loves music.  She is going around singing songs as she plays now.  The trouble is, she doesn’t exactly have the songs straight yet. 

  • She mixes up Old MacDonald had a farm and Wheels on the Bus:  “yah, yah, yah-yah, yah yah yah E-I-E-I-O, with beep beep beep, beep beep beep, beep beep beep(complete with action of honking a horn) E-I-E-I-O”. 
  • When we sing Away in the Manger, she actually goes to lay down during the “asleep in His bed” part.  Last night, she puntuated that with snore sounds.  I about choked laughing so hard. 
  • In “CHEESE!” (Farmer in the Dell), we realized tonight that she was always waving on the word “Hi” in “Hi Ho The Derry-O” part.

She has figured out, for the most part, how to get undressed.  She still gets stuck sometimes though.  She can usually get her diaper off too.  It might take 30 tries of her pulling down the front, only to have it bounce back because it is still hooked over her tush, but she keeps trying.  She also gets undressed when she gets ticked off.  She is trying to dress herself too, and we often see her walking around with a skirt or shorts around her neck, or wearing a pair of pants on her arms.  (like the time she had pants on her arms like sleeves and was trying to get a drink from her sippy cup, but had to keep pushing her ’sleeves’ up to keep them out of her way).  She won’t wear her hats, but likes wearing Zane’s bicycle helmet around, or daddy’s NASA cap. 

Another common accessory is the stethescope from a play dr. kit.  She wears it both like a necklace, and like a cape.  She is starting to do the same thing with headphones.  The girl is a serious shoe hound.  She loves shoes.  She carries everybody’s shoes, including her own, around the house.  It can be really fun trying to get ready sometimes trying to find all the peices.

Another obstacle to finding things is her obsession with her stroller.  My mom got her an umbrella stroller because the grocery cart was too big for her and causing many, many tantrums as she would get stuck someplace.  We have long since figured out that if we are missing something, go look in the stroller at her stash.  lol.  She has put some serious milage on that thing.

She still loves books and wants to be read to all. the. time.  I have actually hidden a few books that are driving me batty because I just can’t read them any more, at least not for a while. 

She has Zach’s palate.  (this is a good thing).  She likes both typical toddler food, and spicy foods, including garlic, and pickles, and olives.  She likes a lot of different foods, but she has to have a variety.  She never eats very much of one thing.  She does share my love of bread, but I am not sure that is a good thing.  lol. 

She is needing help getting back to sleep now.  Gotta go.

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 16th, 2007 at 9:49 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Thursday August 16, 2007”

  1. 1 On August 17th, 2007, auntcathys5 said:

    How precious!  I love kids at that age.  Keep that music love going! :)  Do you yawn when you read out loud?  I can hardly make it through a book without yawning the whole time.  What’s up with that?  I love to read, though and want my granddaughter to love it too… so I guess I’ll keep reading and yawning!

  2. 2 On August 17th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    Zora is such a cutie!  D used to mix up “Old MacDonald” with “Bingo”.  “There was a farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o, EIEIO, EIEIO, EIEIO and Bingo was his name-o! 

    Boo would try to pull her shirts down and they would never make it over the cloth diaper.  So she’d run around with a shirt/skirt.

    I’ve hidden books, too.  Mom’s only have so much sanity, it’s a simple thing you can do to preserve what precious resource you have left.

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