Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday October 15, 2006

15th October 2006

Sunday October 15, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Zora is my little dancer lately.  When we play music, she pulls herself up to bop her little tush to the music.  If she is sitting, she will try and move her shoulders and head to the music.  Adorable little spirit!  I really hope to capture it on film sometime soon.

This morning started out so sweetly.  The alarm hadn’t gone off quite yet, but Zora was awake. Usually she nurses when she wakes up, but this morning she kept pulling up, using me for support.  Everytime I pulled her back down to nurse, she would get herself back up and start babbling happily.  Eventually I hear Zane giggling and peek around and look behind me.  Zane is sitting up and making faces at Zora.  Zach said he had been watching them and Zane had been blowing kisses to her and she was babbling back at him. _heartbeat

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