Taking the Scenic Route

Friday October 20, 2006

20th October 2006

Friday October 20, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

1emotion-medI am one happy mama.  After his therapy I was strapping him in to his carseat.  As I finished, as usual, I kissed his forehead and said “I Love You”.  This time, for the first time ever, he echoed back “I Love You.”  I almost didn’t recognize what he said immediately because he has never said it before.  The moment will forever be seared into my memory.

I am glad Zach was driving that time, because as I sat in the front seat, tears welled up in my eyes.  I was, as they say, verklempt.  _cloud9


This entry was posted on Friday, October 20th, 2006 at 2:25 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 6 responses to “Friday October 20, 2006”

  1. 1 On October 20th, 2006, charmd13 said:

    Hang in there, Mom….you have a genius on your hands…he doesn’t say much right now, cos he hasn’t found anything much to comment on!!!

    My  beautiful son has Aspergers Syndrome, Sensory Integration Dysfunction & ADHD  .  He is now 14…has always had oral defensive tendencies & lives on Ensure w/ fibre & an occassional taco. He didn’t really talk until he was around 5 or 6..when he did , it was in complete sentences, using words of more than one syllable!!! There are only certain textures (of clothes, papers,etc) that don’t repell him, he likes to wear soft fleece jackets nearly yearround as they are a comfort to him, –hates anything that has a slimy or stiff  feeling on his hands or body, & has an Idectic memory. He is everything I could have ever hoped for in a child…he is my life.

     We started him out in “public schools”,…discovered in 1st grade that he was reading at 3rd grade level.. but we had to start unschooling him by 3rd grade because the public school overstimulated him w/ all of the bells & the tinny sounding idiotic records they insisted on playing full blast every day,among other offenses……made him scream & start stimming.

     I unschooled him for four years…using the “Clonlara” program from U of Michigan…his final California Achievement test in 5th grade showed him working at a 12th grade level in reading & just about everything else. He was just finishing up 6th grade–getting ready for the 6th grade Cal Achievement Test  when he was stolen from me by my X.

     my X did a smash & grab on him during our divorce…claimed the “unschooling” was a sign that he was “neglected/abused” …(tho X signed the home  school forms every year along w/ me)…took him away from me, howling………& dumped him back in the public schools in another town. & made him repeat 6th grade ..he was & is bored to death most of the time, as he already knows most of the trash that the public system uses to dumb down the kids these days. The other kids hassle him because he is quiet & gets his work done correctly in 1/2 the time they do.

     He frequently complains to me…(on the rare occasssion that I can talk to him)…that everyone in his classes read too slowly & he is the fastest reader, most fluent speaker in all of his classes…including German…he rattles that off like it was his native tongue…(tho we are Scottish in ancestry)  He still loves me & we remain close in spirit, tho we be parted by injustice…he will return to me someday.

    Keep up the good work, Mom….I envy you.  You are doing the right thing w/ his education. Bravo!!!!

    There are many excellent books out there on Autism spectrum …please get as much info for yourself  & your child as possible…there is a lot of ignorance about the various Autism spectrum “differences” & you must protect your child from well-meaning but dangerously ignorant “professionals.

    example…one “Doctor” wanted to admit my son to a “mental health ward” & refuse him any Ensure or other fluids , but only give him regular foods(that he can’t eat) til he “learned ” how to eat—as tho he were simply a “spoiled brat” or anorexic! I nearly passed out when that idiot told me that!!!!!!  My son would have died, literally. It doesn’t work that way…this idiot doctor didn’t have a clue. I  am an RN, & I told him his barbaric “treatment” was totally  unacceptable & bordered on child endangering  &  we got outta there ASAP!!!!.

    Your son is YOUR child…if something doesn’t instinctively “feel right ” to you regarding  recommended treatments, etc, follow your feelings…don’t let anyone tell you THEY know “what’s best for YOUR child “& if they do say that, head for the hills!!!!


  2. 2 On October 20th, 2006, Jfers_mom said:

    Oh Sunshine!!! I blubbered, and your dad even got a tear. I know how it has hurt when he told me ‘I love you too’ when we left. I’m so very very glad that he is saying this to you now.

    He is making good progress, and all your hard work (you and DH) is paying off.  Of course, HE is working hard too. Sometimes when we see him he is tired from his hard work at the ST and PT. You guys are amazing.

    It’s also heartwarming to see how he is interacting with his sister.

    You’re doing an amazing job. I love you, Sunshine!

  3. 3 On October 20th, 2006, ShackintheMountains said:

    That is wonderful!  Zane is so lucky to have you for his mama.  :-)

  4. 4 On October 20th, 2006, juliepersons said:

  5. 5 On October 21st, 2006, gentlemom said:

    Omg. Jennifer, I can’t hold back my tears.  What a beautiful moment.  You are an amazing mom.

  6. 6 On October 21st, 2006, kpetalcamellia said:

    Hi, I was just browsing but thought i’d make a comment about the rachael ray thing. If you read her book $40 a day she explains why she tips so low. She can only spend $40 so she cannot over tip. She states that in “real life” she grossly over tips. Just thought i’d add my two cents…hope you dont mind.

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