Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday November 4, 2006

4th November 2006

Saturday November 4, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

Arg.  The vacuum cleaner died.  It still sounds like a plane landed, and there isn’t a clog, but it won’t pick up cracker crumbs.  I hate shopping for vacuums when we don’t own the carpet and the carpet is so crappy it hardly seems worth the effort.

In other news, the developmental ped appointment got pushed back a month.  I misunderstood her and thought she wanted us to bring videotape of him to the appointment.  She wanted it in advance of the appointment.  whoops!  Although it will provide a better look at his progress over the recent months.  Reviewing the videotapes this week even I am surprised at the difference.

Zach is, once again, working on the Holiday Helper site.  Wow that thing grew into a much bigger animal than we were anticipating.  It feels good to be able to help though.  I am just so proud of him I could burst.  Reading the stories of the families on there just makes me weep.  We have been there, but we were so very, very blessed to have friends and family step up to help us when we were teetering on the edge.  So many of the families are facing difficult circumstances with no support at all.  It also drove home something that I knew when I was working on the form…families with special needs kids are hit very hard financially.  I know that.  I live it, but when you read the needs, it seems like the vast majority of them have a special needs kid and the financial strain from that is a big contributor to how they find themselves in that position.  It just breaks my heart to read because I can’t imagine how difficult it would be with no support system at all.  It makes me realize just how incredibly blessed I am.

I hope to have the halloween photos, including some better photos of Zora’s hat (as requested), uploaded tomorrow.  Seems like a lot of things aren’t happening as fast as I want though.  Between getting sick last weekend and the site that has gradually taken up more and more of our time in the last weeks, my ‘to do’ list is getting insane. 

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 4th, 2006 at 2:46 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Saturday November 4, 2006”

  1. 1 On November 4th, 2006, mischievium said:

    You and Zach have done such an awesome job with the database (where is the clapping/ applause smilie when you need it), I am so impressed!

    I, too, read the stories of the FIN and cry, I want to help them all!

  2. 2 On November 4th, 2006, tatiana622 said:

    I’m totally with you on feeling like things aren’t getting done as fast as I would like. I hate that feeling, but am starting to realize that it is probably a message that I need to slow down and concentrate on what is getting done, rather than what isn’t.

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