Taking the Scenic Route

Monday March 13, 2006

13th March 2006

Monday March 13, 2006

posted in Uncategorized |

We have thrush. Zora is VERY cranky, nursing is uncomfortable for both of us.  She is just starting to have a bit of a yeast diaper rash & I think Zane’s tush is bothering him too because he can’t seem to keep his hands off his butt. 

I went to the elem school today to fill out ‘consent to test’ paperwork.  They told me to come without Zane.  I ended up going by myself because Zora would not stop screaming and didn’t want to nurse.  I got there and they asked if I happened to bring Zane because they forgot that he had to be cleared in a hearing test first.  I ask if there is somebody who specializes in this, they tell me the school nurse will do it.  I am skeptical that it can be accomplished, but since they won’t do anything else until he passes this test I tell her I will go get Zane today instead of rescheduling.  So I call home so Zach can get Zane ready for me to pick him up..  I accidentally wake up a FINALLY sleeping Zora with the ringing phone.  arg!  I pick up Zane and bring him back.  Surprise, surprise, they couldn’t do it and gave me a number to call to make an appointment with a specialist.  (what I asked for in the first place)  So, now I am waiting for a call back from that person, at another school in the district, to do the hearing test before I can sign the ‘consent to test’ paperwork.  *sigh*  I did get an enrollment form so he can be entered into the computer system for the district…whoopie.  I am still planning on homeschooling, but it is just not worth it to mention it until I get past the testing. 

I keep hearing (and using) the term ’services’.  Zach asked me what that meant exactly.  I realized at that moment I don’t have an exact answer to that.  It is sort of a vague ‘end of the rainbow’ concept….sort a prize for having an atypical kid.  I assume it is therapy of some kind, but I really have no idea what kind of therapy it is.  I guess that is why I am going through all this…if I knew what therapies they use, I would just do them and skip all this inconvenient, annoying, bullshit that is an institutional system.  That is part of the reason I am doing a duel attack, getting him started to see what the school system offers, but also going to the WSU Speech, Language, Communication Lab/Clinic so that I get some help sooner (“services”. lol) .  It seems like WSU is as much about helping the parents understand and educating the parents, where the school system seems to not really validate the parents as teachers as much.  They school seems much more rigid in there being a particular order they do everything, and they won’t really tell you what that is.  They will only tell you what you need to do for them, and after you are done, they will tell you the next person to call.   

Friday we have the rescheduled Peds appointment for Zane.  (the car tire blew on the way out there last time, making us too late to have both kids seen).  I wonder what that will bring. 

I think I might try again to get a hold of the developmental ped too.  I haven’t even been able to determine yet if our insurance will cover it without a referral (or with one for that matter, although I assume it would be covered with one), so I guess I will be on hold for a while tomorrow while I try and determine who they will cover and what process I need to go through.  I am not relying on what the school district people tell me because I don’t think they know as well as they think they do. 

On the food front:  I found a brand of Alphabet shape pasta that are gluten/dairy free.  I also found one brand of chefboyardee type canned spaghetti.  Both are pretty pricey, but at least they exist.  I am pretty sure Dillons (Kroger) will order food for you if you request it, and then I could use my food stamps on it.  I might even be able to do that with the online places, but I have no idea at this point.  Tomato sauce on pasta is about the only vegetable I can consistently get into Zane, so it is important for me to find something that is similar enough that he will at least try it.  I long for the days I could feed him broccoli and spinach and he happily ate it.  *sigh*  I am finding that, overall, it will be easier to do the gluten-free part than dairy-free because of celiacs.  A lot of the dairy free uses soy as a substitute, but that won’t work if we are going to try wheat-soy-barley free (and probably corn free right at first at least…that is not as allergenic, but I see a lot of recommendations to cut that also and then add it back in to see if it is an ok food)  I know this is do-able.  My cousins did it with their child in the 80s, long before there were ANY specialty products out there.  It is a PITA, but I will figure this out.  I know from my onion allergies that it is the hidden ingredients that kick your butt. 

OK, now I need to get to the laundry.  I am going to have to vinegar rinse everything for a while because of the yeast.  I haven’t cloth diapered in a week because I haven’t been able to keep up on laundry while trying to get the house in order, nurse a baby, entertain Zane, and be on hold on the telephone.  lol. Dang, no wonder I am so tired!

This entry was posted on Monday, March 13th, 2006 at 8:14 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 4 responses to “Monday March 13, 2006”

  1. 1 On March 13th, 2006, juliepersons said:

    just a small note: I have found you can add some pureed veggies to tomato based pasta sauce and the kids don’t even notice!  I don’t know about broccoli or spinach as they would change the color but carrots and squash and zucchini will all work well.

  2. 2 On March 13th, 2006, LynnE73 said:

    Ah! I thought it was thrush. I’ve had it with both kids and gentian violet really works the best for me. What are you doing for treatment besides the vinegar?

  3. 3 On March 14th, 2006, Jennifer_Z said:

    nystatin .  I couldn’t find any g.v. and wanted to get started with something

  4. 4 On March 14th, 2006, bionicsquirrel said:

    I think that whole foods takes food stamps and they have those products there.  Also, you should all be taking acidophilous (zora through you), that will help a lot with the thrush.  I am sorry we didn’t get to finish our conversation about the testing the other day.  I really think you will have better luck with rainbows if you go to their offices or do the services through your home, not at the school.  It sounds like they are taking you less seriously because you are at the school.

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 4 months, and 10 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 4 months, and 14 days old
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