Taking the Scenic Route

Wednesday October 11, 2006

11th October 2006

Wednesday October 11, 2006

x2006-10-11 002Zane’s first full morning at preschool was today.  It went reasonably well.  He made a “bird’s nest” (pictured) that he carried around with him the rest of the day.  When asked what it was, he said “baby blue bird”.  cute.  They read the book “Who took the farmer’s hat” and are doing projects that relate to that this week.  It is a cute book. 

I now have the list of books that they will be doing each week until next may, so I can order them ahead of time (if we don’t already have them…some we do) and he can be a little more familiar with the story and more able to respond to questions about the story.  I think the books that will cover the spring semester will be under the Christmas tree.  If any grandparents are interested in the list, let me know.

Zora discovered the joy of peek-a-boo today.  Yesterday she wasn’t the least bit interested by it (and has never been interested in it, I just keep trying. lol).  Today she was delighted with it.  You can almost see her brain growing.  Amazing.

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9th October 2006

Monday October 9, 2006

balancing act…keeping younger siblings safe

Now that Zora is crawling and cruising, she is getting into Zane’s “space” and he is not dealing with it well. He is so possessive of his computer chair that he will put it on top of the couch or in the other room and stand rather than let her touch it. If she touches the table he has his computer on, he will try and smash her fingers or bite her to get her away.

Naturally, as soon as she is ‘let loose’, she makes a beeline right to him. At times he really seems to enjoy her, but, naturally, if he is doing something, he gets really upset that his sister is getting in the way. (I know this is ‘normal’ sibling behavior, but it is complicated by the speech delay). Instead of “mom, she’s bugging me”, he tries to get her away himself.

We have his “I need help” card velcroed to the computer, where there is most likely to be a conflict. We are staying right on top of him and monitoring the interactions and jumping in to help him get the card and try and say it right as he starts losing it, but (hopefully) right before he actually does anything.

The core problem is his lack of asking for help with moving her/getting her out of the way. (besides the typical sibling issues). I can’t let him try and move her on his own because he can’t reliably pick her up by her body, but keeps trying to lift her by the neck. (again, we are very closely monitoring him so she doesn’t get hurt)

I know my primary responsibility is to keep them both safe, but I would appreciate any suggestions on how to help him learn how to cope with her presence.

A part of me just feels really pissed because of how unfair it is to have to watch a almost 5 year old like a hawk to keep him from unintentionally (or intentionally) hurting his sister. She wants to be on the go all the time and is enamored by him. It is a horrible mix. You guys are the only group of people I know that would understand the level of supervision and vigilance I have to have and how draining it is.

Ok, any suggestions from those who have gone before me?


should have said that the biting/smashing fingers thing just started happening late yesterday. I am hoping to find a way to curb this before it becomes a habit.

I thought about moving his computer to his room to avoid the conflict, but that isn’t really the actual issue, it is just expressing itself with that particular thing right now. I feel like he needs to learn to deal with it and if he is right in the middle of the living space (where his computer is) we are more able to be right there to correct behavior.

Mostly just need suggestions or insight on HOW to correct behavior in a way that can be generalized to other activities.

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7th October 2006

Saturday October 7, 2006

I was looking back on the State Fair photos I posted and realized I forgot two of my “stories”

“Great minds think alike” Ok, well that is a stretch, but…ahem.   As you can imagine, there are multiple huge parking lots, with hundreds upon hundreds of cars surrounding the fairgrounds.  I managed to get a place that was about as close as humanly possible to an entrance.  I am delighted.  We meet up with mom, who arrived about 8 hours before we did so she could look around before meeting us.  After the festivities, we are going to walk her to her car before finding ours.  She was in Grandma’s (her mom’s) car instead of their car because she had run a bunch of errands for her mom that day.  Would you believe that we parked NEXT to her.  Her car is in the background of some of our photos (not the ones I posted) and we had no idea that was the car she came in.  lol.

“Chickens”  Went to the poultry building.  Zane and Zora were both getting a kick out of seeing the birds that close up.  We turned a corner and I asked Zane “what is that?”, expecting, at most, a “chicken”.  Instead, his eyes got really big as he stared, up and down, scanning the chicken (probably as tall as his chest), and exclaimed “that is a biiIIIiigg chicken”.  I wish the inflection in his voice could be translated easily to print, because it was so funny and cute.  And…it was 4-5 word sentence using a descriptor, a recent language development, and this was the first time we heard it used spontaneously.  yeah Zane!  so cute too.

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7th October 2006

Saturday October 7, 2006

Zora, my little half pint

Poor sweetie.  We now know why she has been miss cranky pants.  She has an ear infection.  She is on the same pink antibiotic I recognize from my own childhood.  (the stuff you put in the fridge, a type of penicillin).  She seemed a little better by this evening already, although that could have been a coincidence.  I just shudder thinking how long she has been fighting this and I kept with the “her body will heal itself”, all the while she was hurting so much.  Ug.  This sucks.

On a different subject, she is still in the 3rd percentile.  (about 15 lbs).  Since she came off the preemie charts and stabilized, she has always been in the 3rd percentile (well, except that one time the substitute nurse measured her wrong and had her dropping off the charts again).  I pulled up a growth chart to see what she would be for Christmas if she keeps on the same growth curve.  (and then kept going through the chart I had, at 36 months.)  After having Zane for a son, who was always double the “size” on labels (at 3 months, he wore 6 months…at 12 months, he was wearing 2T, until he hit 4T/5T, which he is still at.)


Anyway, when you break it down by height, this is where she will be on this growth curve:

right now:  just growing out of 3-6 months.  At the very top of it, but 6 months are baggy on her.
from Oct -> March or April of 2007 she will be in 6-12 months.
from March/April 2007 -> Sept/Oct of 2007, she will be in 12-18 months
from Sept/Oct 2007 -> March 2008, she will be in 18-24 months
from March -> past December 2008 (where the chart ends), she will be in 24months/2T. 

Even weirder…lets look at this in European sizes, like Hanna Andersson uses:
she is at the top of size 60 right now (although I accidently put a 50 on her a week or two ago and got it on.  lol)
in the next month she should start fitting into the 70s, and will stay there until next August or so.
The 80s will last an entire year, from August to August, and the 90s start August 2008 and go off the chart that ends in Dec 2008.

I can’t even comprehend a kid being in the same size from 19 months old to 31 months old.

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5th October 2006

Thursday October 5, 2006

Little Cherub

x2006-09-24 10-52-52



x2006-09-25 020

x2006-09-25 026

x2006-10-02 018 YMCA

x2006-10-02 008 YMCA


First day of Preschool

x2006-10-03 014 first day of school

x2006-10-03 017 first day of school

x2006-10-03 027 first day of school

x2006-10-03 054 first day of school


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5th October 2006

Thursday October 5, 2006

State Fair

x2006-09-14  009

Oh, I love this stroller.  It allows Zane to either sit or stand, keeping him able to enjoy things more because he doesn’t get as overwhelmed.  Plus, the hood can be pulled back a bit and he can hid under it if it really gets to be too much for him.  Technically, he can also sit in Zora’s seat, but I think he liked being able to get on and off without having to go through all the hassle.  Made our day a lot more fun.  Bonus – it actually fits into our trunk with space to spare.

x2006-09-14  025

A dad of some of my high school friends was working this area and lifted him right up to the tractor.  Zane was thrilled!

x2006-09-14  049

x2006-09-14  050

He knew how to get the milk out

x2006-09-14  056


Sweet boy

x2006-09-16  029b


Playing with his sister

x2006-09-16  044b


Pulling up.  (the chair is one Zane has become rather possesive of and will take it out of the room or put it on the couch to keep Zora from using it.  *shake head*)

x2006-09-19 001


Using Zane’s walker toy. 

x2006-09-19 014b

x2006-09-19 052b

To see the difference in their sizes, compare this picture of Zane at about the same age.

x2002-10-11 019 Moving walker

Amazing, huh?!



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4th October 2006

Wednesday October 4, 2006

_ashamed  Apparently, people notice it when I don’t post.  I am now receiving emails about my lack of posting.

We are fine, just very, very busy. 

Zane:  started preschool this week.  Today was the first day in weeks he started to seem like himself since he got the cold.  He has been somewhat better for about a week, but by the middle of therapy or gymnastics he looks like he is going to fall over from exhaustion.  Today he seemed more like himself and has a more normal level of energy back, so I think he is officially healthy again. 

Zora:  cruising the furniture with gusto.  She is able to keep her balance for about 3-4 seconds if she lets go.  Too fast!!!  She still has a cough though.  I think I might take her to the doctor tomorrow since she has been fighting this thing since the 18th of September.  Today the people at Zane’s therapy noted that the area around her mouth looks a little dusky (bluish) and she holds her mouth open just a bit, both signs that she isn’t getting quite enough oxygen all the time.  It is pretty subtle, but enough that I want to get it checked out.  I think she has grown again.  Her legs seem longer and she is eating like nobody’s business.

Zach:  busy with the semester. Discovering that faculty meetings are bastions of politics.

Me:  finishing up the final batch of PECs cards tonight, putting the velcro on the back. It took forever to get them all printed because we have to wait until Zane is asleep to actually print them without him interfering with the printing (or having to say “don’t touch” about every 2 seconds…he can NOT leave the printer alone when it is going).  Also working on a database program for the MDC Holiday Helpers.  I am doing the groundwork to organize the categories and work on the algorithm so Zach can just sit down and code it without having to keep redoing it.  Hopefully we can get that finished by the end of the weekend.  I know they are in a hurry to have something set up before the requests start pouring in and I want to make it easier on the coordinators.  

Naturally, Zora is now wanting me, so I have to go.  Hopefully she will nurse to SLEEP this time.  lol.

pictures to follow (I hope)


eta:  other news

Our personal soap opera has departed.  Our neighbors have moved away after a very dramatic week.  First, the bathroom above them had a mechanical malfunction, causing it to dump about 150 gallons of water through their ceiling into their bathroom before they were able to get it shut off.  Then, two days later, she said somebody tried to lure their kids out the bedroom window (open to let the paint fumes dry out from the water drama).  I totally freaked out thinking there was somebody trying to get kids like that so close by, but in retrospect, there is some question to the validity of the claim.  (some of which was the crime scene unit that couldn’t get any prints because the dust wasn’t disturbed on the outside of the window).  I saw the window from a distance and instantly thought I saw it cut, but her husband said it was just pulled out of the screen. I realized then how easy it is to make assumptions when you are in a panic and expect to see something. The motivation is that she wanted to get her brother, who was living with them, into the Goddard school district and was bound and determined to get out of the lease somehow.  They also left with major drama, declaring they were going to get a divorce.  However, by the time they came back to get the last load, they were going to go into counseling. 

It is strange how much calmer my life has been the last few days.  I did enjoy the friendship, for the most part, but I never even realized just how often there was a knock at my door for one reason or another.  I haven’t had Zora wake up from a nap nearly all week…so weird and good.

For a day or two it actually felt like fall and I found my thoughts turning back to knitting.  I think I am going to do the LTK raglan sweaters for the kids this fall/winter.  For Zora, I am going to make one into a little sweater dress I think.  I want to find a yarn that I can coordinate some longies for underneath it…haven’t decided what I am going to do about that yet.  Of course, when the weather went back up into the high 90s, I put the knitting back down.  Wool and 90 degree weather do not mix.

Knitty had this cool article on using the technique for double knitting to knit two socks at one time.  I haven’t ever attempted socks, but I did start the sleeves for the raglan that way.  So far I haven’t gotten far enough to really get it figured out.  It seems like a cool trick if I can get it to work.

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  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 4 months, and 8 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 4 months, and 12 days old
  • Random Quote

  • If you had only ONE year—and then it was all over, what would you do? Four seasons. Twelve months. 365 days. Do that THIS year. And the next. That’s how unschooling works. By living life as if it were an adventure. As if you only had a limited amount of time with that child. Because that’s the way it IS — Kelly at Sandra Dodd’s website

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