Taking the Scenic Route

Zane’s Last Day of Friendship Group (Social Skills Group) for the Semester

5th May 2010

Zane’s Last Day of Friendship Group (Social Skills Group) for the Semester

posted in Autistic Life, ST, Zane |

I am happy with the progress Zane made this year.  He is quite a bit more verbal, is learning to manage his emotions better (not perfect, but better), and he is just generally showing a lot of growth.  I am very proud of how hard he works and how far he has come.

Rosie did a really nice job with him this year.  She had the right amount of support and pushing him, something that can be challenging to manage.  We will miss her.  Here she is helping Zane get ready for his “Show and Share”.

They made play-do as a cooperative activity.  It smelled really yummy because Kool-aid was one of the ingredients.  Made me hungry.

And here is the whole crew (minus the Clinical Educator who dashed for her camera so she wouldn’t be in the photo.  stinker.)  If anybody in the group wants an unmodified photo, let me know.   This wasn’t the best shot of Zane, but the better shots of Zane were not a good shots for at least one of the adults each time, so I am posting this one instead.  We all know Zane’s head isn’t attached to the play-do bag.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 at 12:11 AM and is filed under Autistic Life, ST, Zane. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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