Taking the Scenic Route

Jerry! Jerry!

1st September 2008

Jerry! Jerry!

posted in Politics |

I have really tried not to say too much about the presidential race because the last election left me so enraged and fed up with the whole thing. This election seems to be more surreal. I am just watching on in disbelief at the Republicans. Wonder if they are calling in Jerry Springer to host the upcoming conventions. lol

I don’t want McCain as president, but I don’t have a total hate for him either, certainly not like I had for idiotic embarrasement we have for a president now. I am a little stunned and amused that he picked Sarah Palin. I guess Republicans think that women vote on gonads rather than the issues, because you would have to be a moron to think she is going to lure away disgruntled Hillary voters. She has about the most opposite stance on every issue out there. She would make a horrid VP for anybody who supported Hillary. (or president since the likelyhood of the VP on this ticket being in the Oval Office is pretty high considering the age of McCain)

I also just can’t believe they would pick a woman like this when “family values” and the appearance thereof are so “important” to them. Here is a mom who went back to work 3 DAYS after giving birth to her special needs child. (and there is a HUGE difference between going back because you want to and because you need to if you want to survive…she didn’t need to) Now, it turns out her dh was arrested for drunk driving (of couse the republicans didn’t care that Bush was a coke head, so this probably won’t amount to anything), and her 17 year old daughter is pregnant and about to have a shotgun wedding. She also has a son who is going to be deployed soon and another elementary aged kid. The dad isn’t a SAHD (which would at least mitigate it a bit, although he obviously isn’t lactating and I think it is pretty crappy that she isn’t even attempting to form a breastfeeding relationship with a child that obviously needs it). Isn’t this supposed to be the party that values a stay at home parent to raise the kids?

If she waited a few years, she might actually have some experience and her kids would be in a better place and could tolerate the spotlight a little better. I just can’t believe this is the best they could do. Really? I almost feel bad for the Republicans. What a mind blowing choice.

Lookin’ good for Obama.

ps. I also really enjoy the fact that sexist bigots are between a rock and a hard place this election. Really, REALLY liking that.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 4:02 PM and is filed under Politics. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 5 responses to “Jerry! Jerry!”

  1. 1 On September 1st, 2008, feebee said:

    I’m not reading this post (I’m on a zero-politics diet from here to mid-Nov.) but I did read your PS and I’m here to add a resounding AMEN! to it. Dude! Can I get a witness.

  2. 2 On September 2nd, 2008, Tiff said:

    Yeah, I think it’s pretty funny that all of those sexist Hillary-haters of years past (and not just this primary season, but people who were questioning HER maternal values back in the early 90s!) now have a woman on their ticket! haha.

    It is really hard for me to criticize Palin’s personal choices, but kudos to McCain for once again showing he is out of touch with his own party’s “base” – it only bodes well for Obama! I think the Republicans have big problems and the evangelical base or Christian right or whatever you want to call it just doesn’t have the powerful voice on cultural issues like it did back in ‘00 or ‘04. Now with Palin and McCain out front, they will certainly not recover that voice in time for the Nov. election.

  3. 3 Jennifer On September 2nd, 2008, Jennifer said:

    I guess I should be clear…I have zero problem with her personal choices, even though they are different than mine. I just find it a bit jaw dropping that the party that tends to be rabid about women staying at home to raise the kids took such a u-turn. I am FURTHER shocked that the Dobsons,et al of the world are saying they support the choice…bet they had to choke on that statement a few times before they got it out.

  4. 4 On September 2nd, 2008, Megan said:

    I’m pretty sure she is pumping for her son. It’s common for down’s babies to have problem with latching, so she is providing him breastmilk.

    Apparently, she pumps during conference calls.

  5. 5 Jennifer On September 3rd, 2008, Jennifer said:

    Ah cool! I am so glad to hear she is pumping.

    The latch problems is why I was so concerned for her not to attempt breastfeeding. I know that a lot of babies with Down Syndrome struggle to latch, even with a lot of work, but motor planning problems and apraxia are greatly improved by breastfeeding, as well as the health benefits.

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  • A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone. It doesn’t struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn’t have to. It is different. And there’s room in the garden for every flower. You didn’t have to struggle to make your face different than anyone else’s on earth. It just is. You are unique because you were created that way. Look at little children in kindergarten. They’re all different without trying to be. As long as they’re unselfconsciously being themselves, they can’t help but shine. It’s only later, when children are taught to compete, to strive to be better than others, that their natural light becomes distorted. — Marianne Williamson

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