Taking the Scenic Route

Monday June 11, 2007

11th June 2007

Monday June 11, 2007

An often repeated scene.  *sigh*

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Mom and Dad came to visit after church yesterday to see if the Olds could be saved.  It will take a new radiator, battery and fan.   The battery is around $40, but we don’t know what the other things are.  Dad is going to check at salvage yards for us and then we will decide if it is worth fixing it.  I hope the Pontiac hangs in there until we are financially stable enough to replace it.  Right now the car seats in the car are actually worth more than the car. lol.

They were both pretty tired from a hard week, so they didn’t stay terribly long, but took some time to snuggle with the kids a bit, watch Zane build some roller coasters on Roller Coaster Tycoon, and chat for a bit.  It was nice to talk to them because I haven’t been able to call them since my voice went away.  Although I am starting to squeak out some words today, yesterday I was still pretty limited to whispering. 

Today, as we were leaving the house for ST, we noticed the nest was knocked off the tree.  We put it back into the tree and looked for the birds, hoping they didn’t become a cat’s lunch.  We found them, shivering, on the ground.  Zach didn’t want to touch them with his hands because the mama might not accept them with “human” all over them, so we ran inside, put some socks on as gloves, and carefull lifted each of the birds back into the nest.  Zach took the kids to therapy, and I stood just inside the door, watching, waiting to see if the parents would come back or not.  In the half an hour I stood there, they returned three times, so I am pretty confident that all is well for now. 

The four babies, back in the nest.  (that 5th odd egg never hatched btw)

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11th June 2007

Monday June 11, 2007


Your son sounds a bit like mine and you sound as confused as I did at that age. It becomes a little more apparent with age.

FWIW, ds hit all his gross motor milestones either early or on time (much the same schedule you listed). I *thought* he hit the ones with writing and such on time too, but didn’t realize until we were in therapy that he was ONLY writing with sidewalk chalk and on a much bigger scale then he was supposed to. He knew the alphabet, shapes, and numbers (and weird specific ones like the -gons and crescent ).

Some of the things that indicate lower tone are things that are linked to motor planning in ds, and that may be the case with your son.

One of the things that is more noticable is that his face seems rather expressionless at times, but particularly when he is overwhelmed. It happens a whole lot more in public than at home. He has problems holding a pencil and playing with the small legos. When he writes, he doesn’t write using his fingers/hand, but moves his whole arm. He has difficulty maintaining a tripod grip.

When we are out in public, especially when it is in crowds, he gets tired faster than he should (but does better if he is standing or sitting on the back of the tandem stroller we got). He won’t jump from a height without encouragement and/or holding his hand. He used to slam his body into walls, but has learned to do things like jumping on a trampoline instead.

When he puts on clothes, he has to lean against something or hold on to something to keep his balance. He isn’t terribly accident prone, actually unnaturally so compared to me and his sister, but he is also much, much more cautious. He loves the playground equiptment, but has to be shown how to use the equiptment sometimes. (and has to practice it for a while before he can do things well). He doesn’t pump his legs when he swings to help get him going. It took until the last 6 months for him to be able to ride his trike without us helping because the combo of tone and moter planning made it too exhausting for him. He runs, but when he runs he has to hold his arms in to help stablize himself. When he sits, he usually has one leg down and one leg up or in another very stable type of sitting instead of sitting on his knees (with his feet under his tush).

When he does talk, and he doesn’t talk a lot, it sounds like he has marbles in his mouth and he doesn’t enunciate very well. He also has problems with accessing language and most of his sentences are actually scripts (“I want ball please”) that get modified over time (“I want blue ball please”) and then have more modifiers added, usually with visual prompts (“I want 2 blue ball, I want 1 yellow ball please”) where we are now working on adding an “and” into sentances. Although he is getting much better at it, he still struggles with “You”, “I”, “Your turn”/”My turn” and other pronoun usage.

I don’t know if that helps at all, or if I answered your question. My son is isn’t considered “low tone” technically, but he is on the borderline for low tone. Some therapists claim he has it, some say he is just below normal, but not the level of “true” low tone.

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11th June 2007

Monday June 11, 2007

President Bush, First Lady Laura and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One.

George looked at Laura, chuckled and said, “You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy.”

Laura shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I could throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy.”

Cheney added, “That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy.”

Hearing their exchange, the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his co-pilot, “Such big-shots back there. Shit, I could throw all of your asses out the window and make 230 million people very happy.”

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10th June 2007

Joy is in crisis

My brother’s wife, Joy, is going through a major crisis.  She went to her cardiologist for her yearly checkup a few weeks ago and he gave her 1-3years.  Her health is going downhill.  She is having swelling in her legs and her belly is becoming somewhat distended (yes, she is somewhat overweight, not as much as me, but this doesn’t look like normal fat).  Steve and Joy are going down to the Mayo clinic in Phoenix (the one that has the heart clinic) for a weeks worth of tests.  They can’t really afford it, but they are going anyway because there is nobody around here that has the level of expertise to be able to handle her set of symptoms. 

She has had health problems her whole life.  She was a micro-preemie in the early 80s (I think, I can’t ever remember her age, but I am pretty sure she is still in her late 20s).  She has had multiple open heart surgeries, aneurisms, pacemaker, and nearly died from staph infections several times.  (that is the short list…there is lots more) She is not in great shape, as you can imagine.  She doesn’t really have the mental stamina to deal with this either, probably due, in part, to many 8-10hour surgeries and what that does to your brain. 

So it isn’t looking very good right now.  Pray not only for her, but for my brother who is being tested on every level trying to support her through this even when she lashes out as the pain and fear overwhelm her.  She is in no way prepared to handle this, as few of us would when faced with such a diagnosis.

There just aren’t words to express how difficult this is for them.

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10th June 2007

Sunday June 10, 2007

You know you live in Kansas when there are 40-50 mph winds, tons of lightning, and sheets of rain AND there is no storm warning, just a “special weather statement”, because it isn’t *that* bad of a storm.  It does have the standard disclaimer that you should be prepared to take shelter in case it does become severe.

Ok, back to bed.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to blow away when I heard the racket on the windows.  lol.

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9th June 2007

Saturday June 9, 2007

My camera wasn’t handling the lighting very well, but I decided to share because the mischief in her face is so undeniable.  She and daddy were running around the living room playing a peek-a-boo type game.

She went and hid on the stairs and peeked her head out.

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And now, a Public Service Announcement, for your conveinence.

If you have one of these ball things…

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…and it gets wet, all the little hair things clump and stick together.  Plus, it becomes a sticky hair and weird goober magnet.  So, you clean it again and spend an inordinate amount of time picking hair out of it. 

Since your kids like the thing, you look for a way to make it usable again.  It crosses your mind that a little bit of cornstarch might help, so you put a little in your hand and rub it on the ball.  Well, this looks promising, the area with the cornstarch starts feeling more normal again, but you can’t get it to distribute evenly.  Next step, find a ziplock baggie and put cornstarch in it. 

Now here is where you should not make the mistake I did.  Let’s just say I used a little too much cornstarch in my enthusiasm.  I put in the cornstarch, put in the ball, closed the bag and played football with it a while.  Took it out, and it was like a giant cornstarch snowflake.  I had to knock cornstarch off of the thing, but simply putting it over the sink and hitting it has much the same effect as spraying a fire extinguisher in the room.   Dust everywhere.  Even when I thought I had all the cornstarch out and gave it to Zane (who was facinated with the whole process), I set about cleaning up the kitchen.  When I was done, I left the kitchen to find snowflake like trails on furniture and my son.  Dude, it is amazing how far a little bit of cornstarch can go.

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8th June 2007

Friday June 8, 2007

He didn’t get a job yet, but he did meet with the recruiter today and felt like it went well.  She found out more about the job she was thinking of matching him with and found out that it required experience with a particular piece of software that Zach didn’t know well and they don’t want to train somebody since it is a temp. position.  (for somebody on maternity leave).  However, the face to face was a good thing and she seems like she will be looking at his resume a little more carefully and match him up with something.  So, although it wasn’t the news we wanted, it is likely to be better news in the long run.

Still without a voice, although I noticed that I am able to get out a squeak every once in a while, so maybe I am on the upside now.  I hope so.  One thing I have discovered, Zane has super sonic hearing.  He almost seems to hear me better when I am whispering than he does when I am talking.  That was a weird, but good, thing to discover.

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7th June 2007

Thursday June 7, 2007

Zach has a meeting tomorrow with a placement agency.  If they can come to terms, he might have a temporary position.   Obviously, we wish it was a perm position, but at least it is hopeful.  It will mean a far enough drive that we will have to try and fix the Oldsmobile so I can still take Zane to his social skills group on Tues and Thurs.  The hours would mean he would be home in time for the Monday-Wednesday therapy times though.  I wish it were the other way around because it would be conceivable to walk to the Mon-Wed appointments, but the Tues-Thurs place is really stretching the ability to walk. 

I am still without a voice and with a lovely cough.  Zora and Zane still have the sniffles, but aren’t any worse, so that is good.  Zach is just fine and dandy.  Zora is in an uber grumpy mood today, but I think it is gas. 

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6th June 2007

Wednesday June 6, 2007

I am so incredibly tired of having to whisper everything.  I want my voice back.  I am stuck at home 24/7 because almost everybody I normally come into contact with relies on their voice to do their job, especially the speech therapists.  I am also really tired of coughing, although that seems to be ever so gradually improving.  At least is it past the dry hacking thing and on to a more productive cough.  I just want to feel better already.

I do have to say, it is sort of amusing to see Zane and I interacting together.  A mom who has no voice and a boy who struggles with language.  I can’t help him find the words when I don’t have a voice, so we are living in a largely non-verbal world right now.  To add the frustration, Zora’s favorite activity is being read to, something I can’t do at all right now.  I need my voice back, like yesterday.

Zach took Zane to his first day of the summer social skills group.  He was so excited to be back at his school and to see some familiar faces.  He was absolutely giddy with excitement.  (Zach said he couldn’t have been happier if he was pooping gold nuggets.  lol)  It was very good to see and the people there were commenting about how excited he was. 

No phone calls yet for Zach.  Frustrating.  In better news, Zora’s cold seems annoying, but *knock on wood* is a much milder version than mine.  Zane seems to have just gotten the cough with no other real symptoms at all.  Zach was worried yesterday, but so far, he has not gotten any worse.  So, thankfully, I seem to be the hardest hit by this viral round.

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5th June 2007

Tuesday June 5, 2007

Vent, having a rough time lately

I have had a bad cold for a while now, and the last few days I even lost my voice and now my ears are hurting. I am achy and cranky and feel like crap. My ds is coughing, my dd has a runny nose and is off balance. Yesterday she fell into the coffee table and got a big ‘ole goose egg in the middle of her forehead. lovely.

Plus, dh sort of has a job offer, but it doesn’t start until fall, and it isn’t great pay. He has all sorts of resumes out there, but nobody is calling. Now he is also starting to get sinus drainage. We don’t know where our next paycheck is coming from and I am starting to get a bit scared. I hope he isn’t getting sick because if we did get a callback, he would not be at his best for the interview.

Ds starts social skills group this week. I hope they don’t ask for payment up front because we don’t have it. He needs this group because the school district screwed us out of getting the IEP done in time and he won’t even have services set up for the beginning of the school year, much less summer time. I know we owe money for some of his other therapies, but they haven’t asked since we always pay early/on time, but I hope the bill doesn’t get unmanagable.

We are down to one vehicle, which is do-able, but the one that is left keeps stalling out at every stop light among other POS-car traits.

I just want him to get the employment we have been working for all these years, so we can start living a ‘normal’ life. I hate this. Deeply and truly. My patience has worn out and I am so down right now. Of course, being sick is certainly not helping my attitude any at all.

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  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 4 months, and 9 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 4 months, and 13 days old
  • Random Quote

  • If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we’ve got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are or we’ve got to acknowledge he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don’t want to do it. — Stephen Colbert

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