Taking the Scenic Route

Thursday May 5, 2005

5th May 2005

Thursday May 5, 2005

Obsess much?



21 day cycle table (normal)


Your Conception Date is:
(Approximately two weeks before your next menstrual period)
You’re in your First Trimester (weeks 1-12)
Your period of greatest risk for birth defects is:  
(Five to ten weeks gestational age)
to 6/13/2005
Your baby’s fetal organ formation begins 5/9/2005
Your baby’s major organs have formed: 6/13/2005
Second Trimester (weeks 12-27)
Your risk of miscarriage decreases:
If your baby is premature, but born after this date,
s/he has a chance to survive:
Your Third Trimester begins on:
(27 – 40 weeks)
Your Pregnancy Due Date is:
(40 weeks – full term)



24 day cycle table (what it occasionally jumps to)

Your Conception Date is:
(Approximately two weeks before your next menstrual period)
You’re in your First Trimester (weeks 1-12)
Your period of greatest risk for birth defects is:  
(Five to ten weeks gestational age)
to 6/16/2005
Your baby’s fetal organ formation begins 5/12/2005
Your baby’s major organs have formed: 6/16/2005
Second Trimester (weeks 12-27)
Your risk of miscarriage decreases:
If your baby is premature, but born after this date,
s/he has a chance to survive:
Your Third Trimester begins on:
(27 – 40 weeks)
Your Pregnancy Due Date is:
(40 weeks – full term)

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5th May 2005

Thursday May 5, 2005

New Neighbors

We had a new family that moved in two doors down from us.  They have a boy who just turned 1 and she is 4 weeks from her due date.   I am guessing they are not very AP from the little I have seen.  They have carried in every gadget known to mankind for baby holding, but I have yet to actually see their child, just hear him. 

They laughed hysterically when I asked them if they cloth diapered.  (since I have a friend selling some).  They didn’t just chuckle or anything, they commented back and forth about ‘what kind of idiot would cloth diaper…that’s insane’ and things along those lines.  They also unloaded boxes while I could hear their child crying bloody murder and were clearly more annoyed than upset by it.

I guess we will see.  Everyone is a bit on the cranky side when they move…heaven knows I was. 

She is a SAHM and I told her to stop by any time, and if she ran into an emergency situation (labor, for instance) and needed somebody to fill in until she could get a hold of people, to let me know and I would pitch in.  It is really a new thing to have another SAHM in close proximity…I hope we can get along.  A 1-year-old and a 3-year-old are sort of far apart in age right now, but if we are both here for a while, it will seem much closer pretty soon.

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4th May 2005

Wednesday May 4, 2005

Curiosity may kill the cat, but it just makes a duck a little obsessed

cut and paste from one of those due date calculators:

If I calculate it for a 24 day cycle:

Estimated Conception:
Estimated Due Date:
Estimated Menstrual Age:


If I calcualte it for a 22 day cycle (they don’t do a 21 day)

Estimated Conception:
Estimated Due Date:
Estimated Menstrual Age:

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4th May 2005

Wednesday May 4, 2005

Brain overload

I seriously think I am going to lose my mind waiting to test.  Every little craving, every little twinge, every little feeling of nausea is magnified a billion times.  I was doing better about not thinking about it, and then Zane sacked out early (he went to bed late last night, so I am really hoping he is down for the night) and Zach is programming, so I am left alone with my thoughts.  arg!  There is nobody to share this with.

D got a negative after an aggressive round of IF treatments, so I can’t really talk to her either because I have a feeling she is really raw right this moment.  I remember how hard it was when the tables were turned.   At this point, I am going to really be sad if I am not pregnant because I feel so much like I am right now.  We are so much not in a good financial position right now, but it doesn’t stop my heart from really wanting another child.

My brain also keeps going back to Zane’s labor and delivery.  It is not a good place for it to be right now.

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4th May 2005

Wednesday May 4, 2005

3 days is enough to make a person crazy

Well, I am on day 24 of my cycle.  I felt all crampy (not actual cramps, but more like heavy and sort of icky) for the last day or two, buy my period isn’t seeming to make an appearance.  hmmm.  It is too early to test I think, mostly because they say to test on day 28, but if I don’t start today, it will be my longest cycle in quite a while since most of the time I am at 21 days, and once in a while (like last month) I am at 24 days. 

To add to my questioning mind, I had dreams about twins and triplets, but it was all vague and a mixture of genders.  It might just be the product of me thinking about it before I went to bed though.  Waiting is such an irritating process.  I have never been good at it.


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3rd May 2005

Tuesday May 3, 2005

I have a friend who is getting ready to sell her newborn prefolds and just thought I would see if anybody knew anyone local who might be interested since shipping them is so pricey.  They are green-stitched edges and I think unbleached.

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1st May 2005

Sunday May 1, 2005



This is a picture that has really grown on me.  Zach uses it as a screen saver and it is so peaceful to look at.  It is from the MCC Sale day.


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1st May 2005

Sunday May 1, 2005

This afternoon Zach took Zane to the playground for a while and let me take a nap.  It was wonderful.  I felt so much better when I got up!  They had fun too.  They played on the equipment for a while and then decided to sort rocks.  Zane picked up the different rocks, named the color, and then stacked them in different piles.  Now Zane is playing a computer game, Zach is programming, and I am doing laundry.  Excititng stuff. 

The computer game Zane is playing is one that we bought last spring for a quarter at a garage sale.  It has turned out to be a great investment. It is called Big Thinkers Kindergarten  He absolutely adores several of the activities on it and will giggle so hard that he will occasionally fall off his chair.  It is so cute!  I went on line to look for it so I could share and found out two things.  First, the jewel case we have is not from the game we have and second, there are  free downloads to try out the game, which made me really want to share it since I am always looking for free stuff that I like and figured some other people might like it too. 

I found a picture of the back of the case (that I don’t have) that shows some of the games on it, but not his favorite.  His favorite has a guy in the foreground holding up both hands…one hand is a shape (square, triangle, circle) and the other hand is a color (red, blue, green, purple & yellow I believe)  and you click on them to change them.  When you click on the face it makes a shape that you choose in the color that you chose and spits it out of it’s mouth like a bubble.  (this is the point of hysterical laughter) The colored shape then floats up to the line of patterned shapes and colors to complete the pattern shown.  He also loves just going around the main room and watching things move, the maze, and the drawing program.

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  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 4 months, and 19 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 4 months, and 23 days old
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  • You can’t degeekify the geeks, but you can be a polite geek — Temple Grandin, PhD, Autistic

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