Taking the Scenic Route

Saturday October 9, 2004

9th October 2004

Saturday October 9, 2004

~*~*~Fluffy Mail!~*~*~  Two Full Moon Baby Gear AIOs came today.  They are sooooo beautiful.  I just put them in the washer to clean them and get the absorbancy up (you have to wash them 3 times before use).  The workMOMship is just immaculate and the interior is so soft.  I can not wait to put them on my little guy!  I am hoping to put them on and take him outside (since my camera doesn’t work as well inside) so I can get some good pictures of them.  I hope it isn’t too cool outside tomorrow. 

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9th October 2004

Saturday October 9, 2004

Here is the Fact Check from the debates yesterday.  As expected, they both told some whoppers, but it appears Bush won the prize this time for the most outrageous ones.

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9th October 2004

Saturday October 9, 2004

Ok, I think I have the time to post on the debate now.

Here is a transcript of the debate

BUSH:  We proposed and passed a healthy forest bill, which was essential to working with — particularly in western states — to make sure that our forests were protected. What happens in those forests, because of lousy federal policy, is they grow to be — they are not — they’re not harvested, they’re not taken care of. And as a result, they’re like tinderboxes. And over the last summers, I’ve flown over there. And so this is a reasonable policy, to protect old stands of trees and at the same time, make sure our forests aren’t vulnerable to the forest fires that have destroyed acres after acres in the West. We got a good, common-sense policy.

Let’s ignore for a second that he stumbled through the entire environmental question and sounded confused by the concept, but this section just made me laugh.  First, the forests SHOULD be left alone, who are you kidding?!?  God designed forests to be self supporting, if you go and mess with that, you are going to destroy the forest.  Second, it is utter deceit to hide his support of logging and destruction of forest land to drill for oil under the guise of “supporting” environmental issues.  Completely disgraceful and dishonest. 

KERRY:  If they just left the Clean Air Act all alone the way it is today, no change, the air would be cleaner than it is if you passed the Cleaner Skies Act. …. They’re going backwards on the definition for wetlands. They’re going backwards on the water quality. They’ve pulled out of the Global Warming, declared it dead, didn’t even accept the science. I’m going to be a president who believes in science.

Hmmm, doesn’t Florida have a lot of wetlands?  I have a sneaking suspicion that changing the definition of wetlands has a lot more to do with economics than concern for the environment.

KERRY:  Kyoto Treaty was flawed…this president didn’t try to fix it, he just declared it dead… And we walked away from the work of 160 nations over 10 years. You wonder, Nicky (sp), why it is that people don’t like us in some parts of the world. You just say, Hey, we don’t agree with you, good-bye.

This is a fundamental flaw of Bush.  He is incapable of seeing the big picture and throws his little tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.  To walk away from something people have spent that much work on is just petulant and demonstrates his inability to act like a mature, functioning individual.  This is the same quality that got us into this ill-planned war.

BUSH: I own a timber company? (Laughter.) That’s news to me! (Laughs; laughter.) Need some wood? (Laughter.)

Dude, I think those coke and booze binges killed a few brain cells.  Have you actually read your tax returns?

BUSH: … the National Journal named Senator Kennedy (sic) the most liberal senator of all…

Who?  lol.  If you are going to use the “liberal, liberal, liberal” line of attack, maybe you should pay a bit more attention so you don’t sound like a dolt.

BUSH: I would pick somebody [for a Supreme Court Justice] who would not allow their personal opinion to get in the way of the law.

Then he goes on to site examples which show that he wants them to have *his* view of interpretation of the law as if that is the only way to interpret it.  He wants somebody who thinks the pledge should be mandatory including the “under God” phrase. Oh, then he mentions the Dred Scott Case.  lol.  That might be his undoing if people understand what the case was about.  It was NOT about property rights.  It was about a pro-slavery judge ruling that a black person could not sue.  Being black, he did not qualify as a citizen, therefore he did not have the right to sue.  I am thinking that was a monumentally bad example to give for the kind of judges you support.  What on earth was he thinking?!?

BUSH: Trying to decipher that. (Light laughter.)  [Kerry's stand on abortion]

Should he have used smaller words?…spoken more slowly?…are you really that dumb?  How could you NOT understand what he was saying.  It is one thing to disagree, but you can’t even understand what the hell he was saying?  Geez.  Why can people on the right not understand the concept of being against abortion, but for personal choice.  WHY!  I am anti-abortion.  I don’t think abortion is right, but I don’t think my morals should be forced on the population as a whole any more than I think that I should be forced to wear a head covering since I am a woman because a portion of the population morals demand that.  Kerry did an impressive job of explaining it.  Too bad you were to boneheaded and narrow minded to hear it.

Q: …Please give three instances in which you came to realize you had made a wrong decision, and what you did to correct it.

Talk about dodging a question.  lol.  My gosh, he must have worn holes in his shoes dancing so hard.  It was entertaining to see him stumble around for a while talking about how great his decision making ability was.  *cough*  He finally decided that his only mistake was in his appointments.  In other words, *he* didn’t make a mistake, somebody else did. Bart Simpson would have been proud.  lol.  It was really sad and pathetic.  Every appointment that he has fired hasn’t actually made a bad decision, they have just pointed out bad decisions made by President Petulant.  Bush values loyalty over all else, including common sense. 

I am getting tired, so I will just close for now with the most entertaining part of the debate…when Bush went nuts. lol.  He just lost it, lost all decorum and threw a little temper tantrum.  He kept interrupting and wasn’t listening at all.  The moderator was trying to ask about the backdoor draft, but Bushy wouldn’t have it…he wanted to say for the millionth time “what about Poland”  God forbid he actually answer a question.  No wonder nobody takes him seriously on the international scale, he can’t even control himself at a debate.  lol.

He keeps treating the moderators like crap…no respect what-so-ever for the protocol of a debate.

Our president might be a psycho, but he didn’t forget Poland.


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9th October 2004

Saturday October 9, 2004

Make your brain hurt


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8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004

Congratulations Sean, Phoebe, Faith, Abby and Bede!

New baby

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8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004

I was proud of Kerry tonight.  He did even better than he did last time.  Bush made some astoundingly stupid statements, although he did say them much more energetically tonight.  He also didn’t have as much of the deer in the headlights look tonight as he usually does.  His comments on the environment and the supreme court were really boneheaded and I actually laughed out loud listening to him.  I need to process and reread the transcripts before I post again because I had a short person that interrupted my viewing, but my overall impression was a clear win for Kerry.  Yea!

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8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004

Do you all remember how the Repubes loudly accused Kerry of cheating in the first debate?  (he brought his own pen in)  In the “thou dost protest too much” column, it now appears that Bush has been WIRED.  Ironically, the best photos we have showing a probable reciever box under his suit come from Fox News Channel, who shot the backs of the candidates even though it was against the rules set forth by the candidates.  All the cameras were to be from the front and at least one of the candidates did not want the cameras to show the non-talking candidate, only the one speaking.  CSPAN told them to forget it, they were going to do a split screen viewing despite the rules.  (a lot more fun to watch than the normal one-at-a-time too because you get to see how they listen.)

I remember at one point in the debate he said something to the effect of “no, no, let me finish” when nobody was visibly speaking to him.  I was like “dude, who are you talking to?”, but just chalked it up to an obvious nervousness or inablitly to speak well in public.  I will sure be watching tonight.  I read someplace that is why his eyes are wondering all over the place because it is hard not to move your eyes around when being spoken to.

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8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004

For those of you interested in the debates tonight, here is a good, independent, non-partisan link called factcheck.org  You probably don’t want to go to the link Cheney mentioned during the debate, factcheck.com , unless you are a liberal who wants a good laugh.  If you decide to go there, you might want to check out the correction on the top left hand corner.

It helps cut through the distortions by the candidates to see what the facts really are with out the liberal or conservative slants.  It is pretty refreshing to see a site like this in such a volatile, mean spirited political environment.

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8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004

Ohhhhh!  The debate is tonight!  *clapping excitedly*

It is like the superbowl & world series for all of us nerds. lol.  People gathered around their tv sets, hanging on every word, cheering for their team.   A real life “Revenge of the Nerds”…. overgrown frat boy vs. the intellectual.  I can’t wait!

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8th October 2004

Friday October 8, 2004




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