14th January 2008

Carbs R Us

Delano’s Raisin Raisin bread (local bakery, regular and golden raisins)

Frozen waffles

2 kinds of bagels

3 kinds of cream cheese

and for dessert (after the kids go to bed), toaster pastries.


Guess what we bought?  lol



edited to add:  Zora liked the raisins bread.  She took my bread and brought it back with all of the raisins picked out.  _rotfl

posted in Food, Shopping | 3 Comments

31st December 2007

Snoopy house

Zora playing with one of Zane’s birthday presents.  (before we put it up)

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Zane adores Snoopy, so when Zach found this, he was really excited to show Zane.  Zane was not convinced he should have to “wait until tomorrow”, but he listened.  However, the next morning we were awoken by Zane trying to get the box open on his own.  It was the next morning, but that wasn’t quite what we had in mind.  stinker.   Zach obliged him and helped him make his gingerbread house though.  

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When Zora took notice and wanted to join in, Zane solved the problem by offering her candy.  He put it on the rubbermaid container that we use as a table for her snacks.  You can see her in the background examining her candy.

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After admiring the work all morning and early afternoon, we finally gave the OK to go ahead an eat it early evening.  They both enjoyed that part.

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posted in Art, Crafts, Food, Zane, Zora | 2 Comments

22nd December 2007

Updates: ST semester ends, Friend’s Birthday Party, Cookies with Grandma

Play time!

His last day of the semester at the university speech therapy.  If I am able to I want to upload a video of this because you have to hear it to understand how crazy this picture actually is.  They are trying to get the kids to play “Go Fish” with no visual supports.  It is a study in echolalia with rather dizzying results.  (sort of a “Who’s on First” experience)  She is a bit older than Zane, but they are at a similar level.  She is very chatty though where Zane is pretty quiet.

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Party Time!

At one of Zane’s friend’s birthday party last week.  It was at a place called “Pump it Up” and had these huge inflatable play structures.  Zora has no fear and was trying to climb the ladder to the really big slide by herself and didn’t want to wait to get settled to go down.  Zane took a bit longer to warm up to the big slide, but at the end, he didn’t want to stop.  lol.

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Grandma Time!

This week Grandma came up with lots of goodies to play with:  paint, stickers, markers, giant pieces of paper and little notebooks.  (oh, and food…spaghetti, always a hit).  For the first time, Zora wasn’t the least bit hesitant for Mom and Dad to leave.  She was yelling bye-bye at us when we picked up the keys and seemed delighted that she was going to get some Grandma time.  Zane, as usual, was quite happy too. 

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After they played with that, they decorated Christmas cookies with candy.  Zane ate most of them right after he decorated them, but at least he ate the whole cookie.  Zora kept licking the toppings off and leaving the cookie. 

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The both sacked out shortly after Grandma left.  She wore them out.


posted in Autistic Life, Birthday, Christmas, Echolalia, Food, Friends, ST, The 2 Opas (J's Parents), Zane, Zora | 1 Comment

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 4 months, and 19 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 4 months, and 23 days old
  • Random Quote

  • Scissors cuts Paper
    Paper covers Rock
    Rock crushes Lizard
    Lizard poisons Spock
    Spock smashes Scissors
    Scissors decapitates Lizard
    Lizard eats Paper
    Paper disproves Spock
    Spock vaporizes Rock
    Rock crushes Scissors
    — Sheldon, Big Bang Theory

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