Sunday June 18, 2006
Can you tell I never have my hands free anymore? lol
Ok, let’s see how much I can get in before somebody wants me.
Thank you to bionic squirrel. She hosted an AP get-together. My anxiety over going led me to call and cancel. She wouldn’t let me. I am really glad now that she persisted and made me feel so comfortable. It was a great get together. I even met another MDC mama that I have talked to a few times, but never met, along with the Jenny I met last week at Exploration Place. Lots of cute kids there.
Also had several people there that had the Ergo and raved about them. I think I might finally break down and buy one. My back is just not liking the baby bjorn and regular sling right now. Both are better than just carrying her because they distribute the weight a little better, but they have their limits (and the limit is too low to do what I need it to do right now). Also, I am not comfortable doing a back carry with Zora yet in the Maya, and I think I wouldn’t have that problem with the Ergo. That way I can do things like dishes with both hands. lol.
Mom came up last week and helped me get a handle on the house. Did some of my laundry and helped pick up the place. It was great to have her here all day. The kids loved it too. I am going to head out to the farm in another hours or so here for afternoon/evening bbq. I think my brother and SIL will be there too. Looking forward to it. Might even have some more pictures.
Finally broke down and got some summer pants that actually fit me. A pair of capris, a pair of cropped pants, and a pair of shorts. Much less oppressive than my former pants. (3 year old $3 mens lounge/pj pants on clearance at Old Navy) Plus, the other pants were too long and if Zane caught me standing on the bottom of the pants he would have to come over and get them out from under my shoes. Cute, but inconvenient. They were shredding at the bottom anyway. It was time.
I also got in touch with an old high school friend (very small school, so you know everybody from about 4 years older to 4 years younger. lol) We weren’t close in school, but we went to the same church, college together, both played flute, both cheerleaders, both in drama and forensics, and both drove our family station wagons to school at unmentionable speeds. (the kind that make you never want to allow your own kids to drive). She has a son with Cerebral Palsy and has therapy at the same place Zane does. We are going to get together after her therapy session next week. The age difference and competition that separated us in high school has disappeared and it will be nice to talk to somebody that I have so much in common with. Funny how things change. I was so jealous of her in school because she was so pretty, talented, and popular. Now I realize in some ways, people younger than me might have seen me the same way. (although I can hardly fathom it since I felt so alone and inadequate in hs)
I also had fabulous mail this week. Dh’s dad sent the kids a Thomas & Baby Einstein DVD. Plus, my BIL & SIL moved and either they or Dh’s dad sent their hand-me-downs for Zora (they have two girls). It was a 30 pound box. Woah! Beautiful, beautiful stuff! It took my breath away how nice some of the stuff was. Lots of Old Navy, Childrens Place and Gap. There was even a Hannah dress and some Hatten House stuff. Some of the bigger things I am sending off to a friend who usually gives me bags of hand-me-downs. She is very low income too and I know that she doesn’t usually get to dress her girl this cute most of the time, so she is going to be thrilled. I know I will get them back, but I pulled a handful of things that I didn’t want to get stained so I wouldn’t get upset by it. It was so much fun to know I could give back a bit. Eventually, they will get Zane’s hand-me-downs for their middle child (he is tiny for his age, Zane is big…right now they are in the same size), but I am glad I get share the joy with somebody else.
Ok…the last paragraph Zane wants stuff and Zora is starting to fuss. Gotta go. Got more in than I thought I would.
It’s ok
It took me 5 minutes just to type this comment!
I just have one suggestion before you buy an Ergo – take a look at mei tais. I’ve got one from BabyHawk ( that I adore – I can wear the 30 pound toddler on my back or the 12 pound newborn on my front (just not both at the same time because I only have one). There’s photos of both in it scattered througout my blog. A few friends of mine that had an Ergo and a ring sling tried out my mei tai and was amazed about how more comfortable it felt (and their toddlers are around 27-30 pounds). I tried on an Ergo when I was a few months pregnant and not quite showing and desperately needing something to carry the toddler. Since I’m not a small person by any stretch of the imagination (around a size 18 right now), it didn’t come close to fitting which disappointed me.
Thanks for the comment. It’s just really hard to accept a lower grade when I know I am capable of getting a high grade. In high school, I never got lower than an A, so that kind of complicates it more. I know you are right, and I know I need to work on that, accepting that college classes are going to be harder, and that I’m a mom so that will make things more difficult.
I don’t really have any pants that fit me right now. I have been wearing Matt’s boxers because that’s the only thing I can change easily with my boot on. I’m glad you got some pants that fit though. Isn’t it nice to get good mail? We signed Sophia up for the Imagination Library, and even at her young age, she loves when we give it to her and tell her that it’s just for her. (Although, I think the crinkly paper might have something to do with it LOL) Hope you have a great day!
God Bless
Glad things are going smoothly (or at least as much as can be expected!). Sorry you are having to deal with the university politics. It really is the raw underbelly of an otherwise nice world!