Wednesday February 8, 2006
My fingers work again!
I decided to knit Zora some little leg warmers. I have some pink yarn that I know the gauge of, so I just decided to ‘wing it’. I managed to make two perfectly matching legwarmers! I learned a new stitch so that the M1 would match on each side as I increased. I was really proud of myself, especially getting them to match without writing anything down and putting down and picking the work back up a million times.
The problem is, I am used to working in the round and I knit these flat. Knitting flat means you have to seam things.
Seaming such tiny garments means that suddenly the circumference is diminished.
I couldn’t get them on her ankles.
I now am the proud owner of two matching pink pan handle covers.
I’m sorry they won’t work for leg warmers, but I’m glad you found some use for them. I like to crochet, but I have a hard time getting the tension right, so I can’t really make anything but a string.
Hope you can figure out a pattern that works!
God bless you & yours,
AND you admitted it!!!
Just another reason why I am not a big fan of knitting….it never turns out for me either! Good idea on using them for handle covers though!
Very cute! Hope they keep your hands from getting hot, though!
ROFL!!! Good for you for having a sense of humor. Hey, could have been worse — could have been a fancy faire isle sweater!