Baby Shower for Zora
My Dad’s side of the family threw a baby shower for the two newest additions in the family, Zora and Anika. Anika is about 4 months old (born at the beginning of November I believe) and Zora is 2 months old.
I had some technical difficulties with my camera, so some of the photos are much blurrier than I would have liked, but I included the photos anyway.
Zora and my Aunt Joyce (Anika’s Grandma)
Anika and my Aunt Annie
My cousins Michelle (holding Zora), Julie, Barbara, and Julie’s daughter LIndsay
Michelle holding Zora
Julie (who opened her home for the party) hold Zora
Uncle Steve (my brother) & Aunt Joy with Zora
Grandma gets her turn holding her favorite grand-daughter (her only grand-daughter too)
Proud Grandmas!
Joyce with Anika, My Mom with Zora
Proud Moms with their little girls
Diane with Anika, Me holding Zora. (btw, Diane is the one who did my hair last week)
At home, Zane was very interested in the sacks. lol.
It was a beautiful party and a lot of fun to get together with everybody. I wasn’t able to make it to the Christmas celebration this year because I was so sick, so it was really a good feeling to see everybody today.
Mom picked me up this morning in time to take me to church too. It was great to see that church family again. I grew up in that church and I really felt their prayers during the pregnancy and birth of Zora. I felt very compelled to let them know how much I appreciated the prayers. I think that we wonder sometimes if our prayers are really heard and felt and wanted to share my gratitude for their support. It was a living example of the use of spiritual gifts, the theme of the message for the morning.
It was a very nice day. Zach stayed home with Zane during the day, but was able to join us for supper in the evening. We were originally going to celebrate Joy’s birthday, but she ended up being too tired to make the trip to Wichita, so we just had supper with the 6 of us (my folks and our family).
You have such a beautiful family.
looks like a wonderful time!!
The pictures are great. What a wonderful time!
Thanks for sharing. You look like you have a wonderful, close, loving family.
Awww what a beautiful day
I’m so glad they had a nice party for you and that you got to enjoy yourself and show off your beautiful baby girl!