Taking the Scenic Route

Sunday October 30, 2005

30th October 2005

Sunday October 30, 2005

posted in Uncategorized |

It looks like we will pass by another Halloween with no Trick or Treating.  Zach has class.  Once in a while he gets out early, but not usually, so we can’t plan on it.  I have severe back pain that is leaving me barely able to walk right now, so there is no way I can handle going out with Zane.  Before we realized he had a class, we were considering renting a wheelchair at the mall so I could come around with Zach & Zane, but I am not used to a wheelchair, so there is no way I can maneuver well enough to chase after Zane in it. 

I am hoping that I can have Chiropractic care covered because I don’t see any other way I am going to have mobility any other way any time soon.  Right now, something is pinched so hard in my back I am having problems controlling my left leg when I do stand, and really having a difficult time laying down.  Last night when I was almost asleep, I went to reshuffle to lay on my other side (normal for me, I have problems getting comfortable right away).    I moved without thinking and was in agony.  I couldn’t shuffle one way or the other and was in serious pain where I was.  It took me 45 minutes to try and get on my other side.  I did not sleep well last night.  It also takes me an insane amount of time to get up out of bed, especially since our bed is on the floor.  I am not wanting Zach to pull me up because I don’t want him to hurt his back helping me because then we would really be screwed.  I wish we still had a recliner because I would just sleep in that instead.  Two fortunate things though.  When I sit, it still hurts, but it isn’t sharp and stabbing as long as I don’t move, and second, the bathroom is small enough and the doorknob is at exactly the right place for me to use it as leverage to get up and down in there.  What could be the worse thing is actually not as bad as it could be. 

It is times like this that I really appreciate the fact I don’t usually have to live with pain like this.  Of course, there is always the fear it isn’t temporary, but I am hoping it is something that will resolve itself.


In other news, it looks like it wasn’t the Chicken Pox.  The neighbor’s kid’s rash is fading without forming pox, so it was probably a vax reaction.

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 30th, 2005 at 9:58 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Sunday October 30, 2005”

  1. 1 On October 31st, 2005, bionicsquirrel said:

    I am kind of bummed that it isn’t chickenpox. I would have definitely brought Zep over for that.

    Do you want me to come get you and Zane so Zane can trick or treat with Zephyr? We will only be going to the 10 houses or so in our vicinity and then watching a movie and passing out candy. You could sit on our porch swing and watch him from afar and then we could hang out together.
    Say yes…you know you want to. :)

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