Happy Valentine’s Day
Zora’s valentine’s cards
Flowers from Zach and the kids
The cards Zora handed out. She wanted the “teasing cards”. (they change pictures when you move them) She carefully chose stickers to put on each card and attached each to a little packed of conversation hearts. (nerdy mom thought “conversation” hearts were a very appropriate gift for a speech therapy preschool. lol)
The cards Zane handed out. He also put stickers on his cards and attached conversation hearts. He deliberately chose the ones that said “You’re a good Fur-iend” for the boys in his Friendship Group (social skills group), and the “You’re a Cool Cat” for Terese. I think he had the “I smell a Valentine” for Diane, and I can’t remember what he chose for Rosie any more. (I probably have pictures of the actual cards sent out, but they are trapped on the defunct hard drive). I thought it was interesting that he loved this pack so much…there was no debate, once he saw these, he wouldn’t even consider any others.