20th November 2008

The Bailout

posted in In the News, Politics |

The basic ground rules in the USA when companies want a bailout:

If it is during a Republican administration, a bailout is vital to support our captitalist society.
If it is during a Democratic administration, a bailout is SOCIALISM and destroying our society.

I don’t disagree with the concept of bailout, but I really think those CEOs should be fired fired fired. They need to put people in charge who aren’t so stupid and greedy that they take individual $20K jets to ask for money. I would have a real problem giving them money if they weren’t willing to sacrifice (can you really call “don’t take a jet” a sacrifice in any normal person’s life?) some of their own salary and benefits to help the people under them and the company survive.

I question their ability to lead a company and manage money and I question their intentions. I am angry that they aren’t requiring them to retool (that is what they are funding…retooling the factories) to make more gas efficient vehicles. They already make them in Europe and the technology already exists, why are we not allowed to have them here in the US? Doesn’t it seem backwards to anybody else that using tax money to retool the factories is going to push back making fuel efficient vehicles? ARG!

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 20th, 2008 at 12:56 PM and is filed under In the News, Politics. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “The Bailout”

  1. 1 On November 20th, 2008, Mia said:

    My sentiments exactly. I have been really on the fence about this, because I feel so badly for the line workers and their families, who will be the first to lose their jobs, pensions, health insurance, etc. But, enough already. Companies have to start doing things differently. There simply is no other option.

  2. 2 On November 20th, 2008, Tiff said:

    Did you ever see “Who Killed the Electric Car?” It makes me so ANGRY at these U.S. car companies. I feel so bad for the workers & their families – but these companies have cared more about the oil companies than they have about their workers or the environment. Time to get with the times…

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  • A wise man once told me that we are all God in drag. I like that. Sometimes when I’m in a public place or sitting at a stop light, I’ll watch people walking by and I’ll silently say to myself, “He’s God. She’s God. He’s God. She’s God.” Before long I always find myself feeling a warm sense of affinity for these strangers. The experience is even more powerful when I do this while observing a person who is clearly suffering. On occasion I’ll test my little spiritual practice by turning on Fox News. Within minutes I become an atheist. — Chuch Lorre Productions, #240

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