Taking the Scenic Route

We are in San Antonio now

23rd October 2008

We are in San Antonio now

We drove straight through and arrived at 3:30 or so, but didn’t get settled until 4:30-5am.  We got up at 8am and went down to breakfast and met up with Aunt Joyce &  her husband.  We are following them to the airport this afternoon to help pick up Sandy &  Bob, Wright, Mead, Cady and Lauren who are all, amazingly, arriving on the same flight.  About 2 hours after we pick them up is the family viewing, then we don’t know if we are going to the house, or hanging out with the family.

This morning Zach’s brother-in-law picked him up to go to the family meeting with the minister.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 at 12:09 PM and is filed under Death, Papo (Z's Dad) & Grammie, Stress. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 3 responses to “We are in San Antonio now”

  1. 1 On October 24th, 2008, mischievium said:

    Are the kids with your parents?

    My love to you both over the next few difficult days.

  2. 2 On October 24th, 2008, Jfers_mom said:

    Jennifer’s mom here.
    They rented a big van and took both of the kids with them. Zach’s step-mother hired a babysitter for the weekend because there are quite a few cousins. That seemed to work out well yesterday. It sounds like Zane is with Jfer and Zach most of the time and Zora spent some time with the sitter.

    They are aware that this could be a rare time for all the little cousins to be together.

    According to what Jennifer said last night, Zach met the people from his dad’s office and his dad’s partner. They were very excited to finally meet him, because his dad had talked about he and his family so much.

    We didn’t talk long, but it sounds like things are going as well as can be expected.


  3. 3 On October 25th, 2008, Robert said:

    I hope all has gone well and with peace. Travel well and I will see you soon. My Love to all of you.

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 22 years, 8 months, and 16 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 18 years, 8 months, and 20 days old
  • Random Quote

  • You can’t degeekify the geeks, but you can be a polite geek — Temple Grandin, PhD, Autistic

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