Monday November 8, 2004
Warning, dreary post ahead:
I know I haven’t posted in a while. I am just feeling really raw lately. Things are going to get better financially…not fabulous, but better. We will be playing catch-up for a while first. Zach is still looking for a permanent position since the fate of Boeing here in town is tenuous at best.
I just am having a hard time seeing to point to anything right now. I am fighting just to get up in the morning. I started taking vitamins again and I am hoping that maybe a large part of the problem is a vitamin deficiency. Unfortunately, the vitamins make me burp that awful “vitamin pill burp” when I take them, and I need to take food with them. I am caught in a viscous cycle right now. I am tired, so I don’t feel like making food, so I grab what is easiest and comforting, which is junkier food, which doesn’t have the nutrients I needs, so I still crave stuff and I am tired again. grrr. I know working out would help, but I don’t have the energy to work out. and on, and on….grrrrrrr. I can’t seem to break out. I seem to have burst where I start breaking through and then something happens, even something small, and I don’t have the strength to get up again.
“I have started a dozen posts since election day, but they just denigrated into mean-spirited rants, and I decided it was better left unsaid. Mostly, I am just sad.”
That is EXACTLY how I feel. I, too, have tried to write posts about the election and my feelings and I can’t seem to find a way to do it, so I just haven’t. I am just so floored that Bush was re-elected. I really just don’t understand.
I also totally identify about the “vicious cycle” of being tired, not wanting to expend the energy to make good food (poor vegetables rotting in my fridge), eating junk, craving more food, and having ZERO energy to work out/ exercise.
I’m sorry you’re having a hard time and, as a former president (one I REALLY miss nowadays) used to say “I feel your pain.”