Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday May 25, 2004

25th May 2004

Tuesday May 25, 2004

posted in Uncategorized |


What a frustrating night!  Not only am I not going to be able to go and get the circular needles I need, but our checking account is overdrawn $50.  This means that we have zero funds until the first of June AND we will get charged a bunch of fees for bouncing checks.  I don’t even remember the last time I bounced a check.    I hope there aren’t any emergencies because I really don’t want to ask mom for help yet again.  I feel like such a loser asking for help.

Another quick vent:  My computer is really ticking me off!  Ever since getting the MSN hotmail & Messenger (which I think is the real culprit) it keeps crashing like crazy…I had to hard boot my computer 5 flippin’ times today! HARD BOOT!  I had to soft boot it another 3 times.  In the half hour the knitting class met, I was able to be there for about 5 sentances toward the end.  I spent the rest of the time dealing with freeze ups and crashes.  I was SO ticked.  I remembered today why I avoid Micro$oft stuff if I can…black box testing.  grrrrrrrr!  (non-geeks…basically, they use the consumer to test it instead of figuring it out themselves before we get the product)

In better news, I am so close to being done with ds’ LTK Easy Peasy sweater that he might even be able to try it on tomorrow.  I just have a few more inches of the front panel and sewing it together.  I hope it looks decent.  Of course, it is now warm enough that he probably won’t use it for a few months, but I made it big, so it should be good.

In response to the question about our sleep schedule:

Like Feebee, we just have our sleep time shifted from what is “normal”, but usually get enough sleep.  The typical bedtime for ds is 1-2 am, waking up around 10am – noon.  It sometimes wanders outside of that to 2-4am (and sometimes even later, but not often) but we work to get it back to our normal time.  I would like to move it more towards midnight again, but it needs to go slowly or it can cause much more problems than it solves.  The worse time is when he will go on a sleep fighting stage and is up for 20 hours straight.  I don’t know how he does it, but it will screw us   up for weeks.  Honestly, I know exactly where it comes from…dh and I are both the same way…left to our own devices we would rotate 20 hours awake, then 10 hours sleep, 20 hours awake, 10 hours sleep….and on and on.  We just seem to both have a natural 30 hour clock in our heads instead of the normal 24 hour clock…makes it hard to conform to schedules at times!

Ok, now some pictures from the last few weeks

“Family Fun Day” at WSU

Zane was loving the watermelon.  Zach needed to keep him on his shoulders to keep him from running away.  For some reason, his head was sticky when he got home.


Some more “let’s wear weird things as hats as we go about our daily routine”.  lol.


Riverfest Pictures



This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 25th, 2004 at 4:21 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Tuesday May 25, 2004”

  1. 1 On May 26th, 2004, home.aspx?user=feebeeglee said:

    I seem to recall reading that people put in an environment where they controlled all light/dark (no natural lighting at all, like a cave) and where there were no timepieces ended up on a 30-36 hour schedule like you describe. Something like 12hrs sleep, 24hrs awake or a variant like you all would have.

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years and 20 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years and 24 days old
  • Random Quote

  • We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don’t give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going. — 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

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