Taking the Scenic Route

Monday August 30, 2004

30th August 2004

Monday August 30, 2004

posted in Uncategorized |

It smells like a giant fart in here.  Our dishwasher backed up for the millionth time.  We don’t even use the thing because it is faster and easier to wash dishes by hand since all the dishwasher manages to do is cement food to plates rather than clean them.  I have been using the dishwasher to store less used kitchen items, but I am going to have to stop doing that if I have to clean them every time the dang pipes back up and leave a few inches of stinky water.  Blech!

This entry was posted on Monday, August 30th, 2004 at 2:19 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Monday August 30, 2004”

  1. 1 On August 30th, 2004, home.aspx?user=feebeeglee said:

    ewwwwwww :-(

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