Taking the Scenic Route

Asleep at the Wheel

17th June 2008

Asleep at the Wheel

posted in Zora |

We told her to finish up because it was time to go to bed.  She protested loudly that she wasn’t tired and didn’t want to come in.  We gave her five minutes and returned to find this:

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x2008-06-17 007.jpg


This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 17th, 2008 at 10:15 PM and is filed under Zora. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 6 responses to “Asleep at the Wheel”

  1. 1 On June 17th, 2008, SarahAriella said:

    That is just adorable! 

  2. 2 On June 18th, 2008, Jessemommy said:

    Awwwww. it’s funny that kids can just drop off wherever.

  3. 3 On June 18th, 2008, tatiana622 said:

    So cute!! We have (at least) one of those in our house, who loudly protests that she isn’t tired and then falls asleep at the drop of a hat.

  4. 4 On June 18th, 2008, DrTiff said:

    Awww, poor thing – she just didn’t want to stop playing!!

  5. 5 On June 18th, 2008, intensity_too said:

    So, so cute!  My boys never did this sort of thing, so I really love it when I do see kids that just fall asleep where ever they may be.

  6. 6 On June 18th, 2008, gentlemom said:

    So sweet!

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years and 20 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years and 24 days old
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