26th June 2008

Just life

A study in opposites

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I think she is trying to tell me to buy some new puzzles.

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And, in a sweet ending for the evening, Zane requests a camp out

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Good night sweet prince.

I haven’t been posting much (and have a backlog of emails to answer at this point) because I am spending every moment not dealing directly with kid with my nose buried in books, websites, and academic papers, both on autism and parenting in general.  The ST program I want to get Zane (based around the papers I was reading, and then the website it lead me to) costs more than I can afford, but it really looks good.  I am going to dig my nose through a copy of it at the university tomorrow or next Wednesday (one of the other clinical educators just ordered the program and one of her students is using it) and see if I can start with the main program (Visualizing and Verbalizing), or if he needs to go through the book written for autistic students to get them ready for the program (Talkies).  The description sounds like you are starting from a non-verbal/low verbal point (with labeling…something Zane has done since he was little, it just never formed into functional language like it does for most kids), but I don’t know if the main program starts at too high of a level for him.  I hope I can just jump into it because it is horribly expensive even if you don’t get the whole “kit” meant for teachers.   I’ll write more about the program later, as well as the parenting book I am trying to get through. 

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 26th, 2008 at 12:02 AM and is filed under Autistic Life, Homeschool, Summer, The Kids. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 7 responses to “Just life”

  1. 1 On June 26th, 2008, ilovebakedgoods said:

    Your kids are so sweet! I love this study in opposites. Zora seems so playful and vibrant, while Zane appears thoughtful and stoic. Did he stay outside all night?

  2. 2 On June 26th, 2008, mattswifey_sophiasmommy said:

    That was cool, the study in opposites.  Your kids are awesome.  I haven’t been around as of late, our computer was not working, I got it running (minimally) a couple of days ago, and been trying to catch up with everyone. I was using the computer when I went to visit my mom, but we really don’t get along that well, so I wasn’t staying long enough to do anything.  Zora is growing up so fast!  It seems like just yesterday they were born!  And Zane, he always looks so contemplative.  I was wondering the same thing as ilovebakedgoods.  Did Zane end up staying outside all night?  He did look pretty cozy.  I hope everything is going well for you and your family.

  3. 3 On June 26th, 2008, Jennifer_Z said:

    @ilovebakedgoods - We brought Zane in for the night and he was fine with that.  We just weren’t comfortable with him staying out there all night by himself, and neither of us was up for sleeping on the ground all night.  lol

  4. 4 On June 26th, 2008, ShackintheMountains said:

    I’ve missed these beautiful faces!  Did Zora really do that puzzle herself?  Very impressive, even if she has done it a million times before. 

  5. 5 On June 27th, 2008, Jessemommy said:

    At least we get great pictures to adore

  6. 6 On June 27th, 2008, ilovebakedgoods said:

    @Jennifer_Z - 

    Hehe, I figured you guys probably weren’t interested in sleeping outside so that’s why I wondered. My son thinks it’d be fun to sleep outside like that, too. Yeah, I told him he could camp out on the living room floor. :P

  7. 7 On June 27th, 2008, gentlemom said:

    Love the pictures of your beautiful children. Isn’t it amazing to see their personalities form and see how they are so unique?

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