Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday August 31, 2004

31st August 2004

Tuesday August 31, 2004

posted in Uncategorized |

GOP convention.  Today’s theme:  People of Compassion.  Compassionate Conservatism is an oxymoron.  Nice buzzword, but when have Republicans been compassionate to people?  When they pull education funding?  When they make laws that say a group is so horrible they aren’t allowed to marry?  When they pull funding for social services?  When they bomb countries and kill people for oil?  When they destroyed the economy by sending all of our jobs overseas?  When they make it all but impossible for people to have health care?  When they have created a nation where they declare the economy ‘hunky dory” yet there are record numbers of people in poverty?  Oh…I know….they are compassionate to Corporations…that’s it.  That is where all the money is going…corporate welfare. 

The speeches last night made me so angry.  Such utter disreguard for the experiences of true American life if you aren’t in the top 10%.  I don’t feel particularly free, do you?  I worry when I write political stuff that it is going in some database of ‘anti-Americans”.  I guess “free” means that you are free to express your opinion as long as it is in agreement of the shrub. 

Mr flip-flop pulled another one within the last few days.  After years of hard line “we are going to win the war on terrorism”  (war on terror….isn’t war terror? What the hell does a “war on terror” mean anyway…makes it sound like USA are terrorist too.) Anyway, after years declaring we will defeat terrror, he now said “we will never win the war on terror”.  Although I do agree with that…I don’t think anything ever comes out of violence but violence, but it is sure a major flip flop. 

I keep hearing Republicans characterize liberals as thinking that Iraq was just a wonderful place and Saddam wasn’t so bad and that is why we all think it is an unjust war.  I participate in an online community where I am pretty moderate comparred to both sides of the spectrum…there are extreme social conservatives, social liberals, fiscal conservatives and fiscal liberals (I am a social libral and a fiscal moderate btw) and I have NEVER heard ANYBODY who thinks Iraq was a wonderful place.  Where does this characterization come from?  It sound ludicris if you actually TALK to liberals!  I think it is pretty sad that Republicans will actually view Democrats that way….it is so devisive for no reason..there are lots of other issues that they do disagree on, but I don’t think anybody thinks Iraq was a nice place.  What the Repubublicans have twisted is that the “excuse” to attack Iraq (that Saddam was a horrible human being) is a pretty thin excuse and invalidated by the fact that some of our “allies” are actually a LOT worse.  The only reason we attacked Iraq is because the country he tried to take over was producing oil.  That is it.  There is more connection to 9-11 between Bush and the terrorists than there is between Saddam and the terrorist.  Why people still think Iraq had anything to do with 9-11 speaks to the power of the Republican-controlled media.

I feel like I have so much more to write, but I need to go play “trains” right now or somebody is gonna have a meltdown. lol. 

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 at 3:09 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Tuesday August 31, 2004”

  1. 1 On August 31st, 2004, LikeWowMom said:

    I heard W on the radio, giving a speech in Dayton before the convention started, talking nonsense about Kerry and taxes. I was pointing at the radio screaming, “Asshole! ASSHOLE!” Is he really that stupid? Or does he just think the rest of us are stupid?

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