Taking the Scenic Route

Political Musings

21st January 2008

Political Musings

posted in Politics |

91% Dennis Kucinich
90% Mike Gravel
78% John Edwards
76% Barack Obama
73% Chris Dodd
72% Joe Biden
70% Hillary Clinton
69% Bill Richardson
37% Rudy Giuliani
32% Ron Paul
28% John McCain
25% Mitt Romney
24% Mike Huckabee
20% Tom Tancredo
13% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz


No big surprises here for me.  I have always matched up with Kucinich and was rooting for him over Kerry last go around.  I won’t vote for him simply because I don’t think he has a chance in the big election.  I knew I liked Edwards a lot.  My ideal ticket would be an Obama/Edwards or Edwards/Obama.  Obama inspires me, which is the only reason I would vote for him over Edwards.  I really like both of them a lot and haven’t heard anything that puts a damper on my enthusiasm for either of them.  I just find Obama a bit more likeable.  

I am so disappointed in the Clintons.  She seems to be turning to “good ‘ole boys” politics, seems really mean spirited and divisive, and I can’t believe how whiny Bill has become.  What the heck is up with that?!?  I don’t think she would make a bad president because she is a woman, I think she would make a bad president because she is corrupted, has too many special interest groups, and doesn’t seem to want to play fair.  She is more interested in her own political career than the people she will be serving.  The crying just infuriated me.  Why would she fall into the stereotype so easily.  Plus, they really seemed to be crocodile tears.  Ugh.

Huckabee…hate him with a white hot passion.  John McCain, not bad.  Don’t agree with a lot of his stances, but I do respect him and he is one of the least partisan players out there.  Paul I agree with some of his stances, but he seems a bit nutty and a lot racist.  Guiliani I just can’t take seriously.  Romney, don’t really know much about him, but I haven’t really seen anything that just throws up major red flags, unless he is heterosexist or anti-choice, and both of those might be why he came out so low on my list.   I really like Fred Thompson on Law and Order, but obviously, his real person isn’t nearly as compelling as the characters he plays.  lol.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 21st, 2008 at 7:22 PM and is filed under Politics. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Political Musings”

  1. 1 On January 22nd, 2008, Jessemommy said:

    Wow I pretty much agree LOL. I’m a law and Order fan too, but that’s not going to make me vote for Thompson, and I got him as dead last anyways. The candidate that supports gay rights the most is going to have my heart, as much as I’d like to see a female in office, Hilary is just not it.

    Hmmm I wonder what each of the candidates have had/ will have anything to say about the austism rates in this country and what they would do about funding for services, etc….I know the country is in a health care crisis, but mothers and fathers having to wait years just to have their child even evaluated at first is insane.

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