Sunday September 2, 2007
Still here, still sniffling. Zora is playing the snot version of midas the last few days. (everything she touches turns to snot).
I got a Palm Pilot thing to put in all the massive number of phone numbers, my ever-complicated schedule, all those scraps of paper everywhere, and when I get a memory thing (like my camera has…in fact, I might have to steal my camera’s for the time being) I can scan in all of Zane’s paperwork, evaluations, and all that other stuff people want to see for therapies, plus a running list of IEP goals/ideas/things I want to try to get for him in it. Instead of carrying in a 2 foot tall pile of notebooks, I can have the stuff in my hand. That is nice. And I even went and bought a nifty new thing called a “purse” that they make to put these things in. (I was a die-hard “If I can’t fit it into my pockets, I don’t need it” who was carrying grocery bags with me to hold diapers, books, knitting, and other things people normally put in purses) I even got a little wallet thing to put money in, just in case I happen to run across some that needs a home.
So, I am spending an inordinate amount of time entering all the data into the Palm. All of my lists were printed out on MS Word documents, which is not a database like Outlook, so it can’t just be uploaded. When I did load MS Outlook (default email and calendar program) in my computer to see if I had anything on it (I am a Eudora Pro girl and haven’t used outlook in years) that could be transferred to the Palm database, I discovered a bunch of names I didn’t recognize, my best friend and her family was listed with her ex (were divorced before Zane was conceived) and the few people I did have addresses on were now living in different states. So, it wasn’t much help. lol. It is a fun little gizmo and it will be a huge help to me being a little more organized.
I’m impressed! That will take a lot of work at first it sounds like, but should save time in the long run. Hope Zora gets better soon. I have a Zane and a Zora that I teach and everytime I say their names, I think of your precious kiddos. Have a fun Labor Day and a great week!
Yay for the Palm Pilot! It can save a lot of paper.
I hope Zora feels better soon.
I, also, hope Zane has a good week at school this week. I saw your post on MDC, did you get any good ideas for “heavy work”?
yes, I did get some good ideas. I hope Zane is better by Wednesday so we can try some of them out. lol. (holiday today, in service tomorrow, so school doesn’t start until Wed for us).