Tuesday August 31, 2004
Toys that are getting some serious play time in our house
LeapPad. He LOVES the leappad. He will go back to it several times a day, spending up to half and hour at a time playing with it. He just loves it and he seems to be getting the hang of hitting the little “Go”. So far, he mostly enjoys the first main pages with the alphabet, but is beginning to explore other pages now too. We haven’t brought out the “Hop on Pop” book yet. We are saving it for when his interest seems to wane a bit with this book.
Tanagrams. We ordered a set of tanagrams a while ago that came this week (man, this week has been a good week for Zane in the toy department). He immediatly figured out to lay the matching shape on the card. We didn’t try any higher level cards, but he did fine with the level 2 cards.
One of the funny things is that one of the cards has a flower like shape on it. (actually the one she is working on on the box) You are supposed to use a square in the middle and put 4 half cicles around it to form a flower. However, the picture used to decorate the card shows a flower with the same outer outline, but a small circle in the middle in the same porportion as the circle provided in the kit. He is not convinced that you are supposed to use the squares and half moons and keeps taking those off and putting the circle on to match the drawing and looks up at me like “quit doing that, this is the way it supposed to go”. A good example of bad Human Factors Psychology IMO….bad visual clues.
The peices themselves are foam rubber, with a different color on each side. He will sit there for long stretches putting them together in different ways, including setting them up on their sides (which is impressive to me because it takes a lot of fine moter skills and paitience to get them to stay up on the narrow side) He seems facinated with shapes lately anyway, so this came at the perfect time. He has an old puzzle with shapes on it and he enjoys having us name the shapes for him and was playing with those pieces before this came. It is nice for him to have pieces that are in porportion to eachother so he can see how differnt shapes joined together make other shapes (like two triangles can equal a square). This just fit him so well.
And, Finally, the train set we got him a few days ago. He really gets a kick out of it. As he plays with them (and sometimes just when he is wandering around) he makes choo-choo sounds followed by a woo-woo of a whistle. (except it sounds more like two-two-two-two……woo woo) It is so adorable. His daddy showed him that he could build mega block structrues over the tracks and he got so excited with that concept.