Monday October 22, 2007
Well, we went shopping today. Got Zane some pants. As it turns out, he is still size 5 in a lot of clothes. There are a few pairs of 5T pants that don’t fit him, but I forgot that we didn’t buy him any pants last winter because the size 4T still fit him. So, he didn’t have any fleece or sweatpants in the right size, but he does have jeans. We got him a few size 6 shirts today and when we tried them on, they were pretty big on him.
Trying on clothes in the store is just a nightmare, but I think we are going to have to bite the screaming bullet next time. Luckily, we didn’t buy much size 6 (they are smalls, 6-7s, which is probably why they are too big). He seems to basically be at the top end of size 5.
We only got Zora a pair of jeans today. Size 2. I thought they were going to be way too big looking at them, but they fit. Dang she is growing fast!
I always feel like dressing my kids is rocket science…just when they all have stuff that is in season and fits, they grow taller/get skinnier! And now Rhi still fits in 2T pants, but went up to 3T for shirts. I don’t know how I manage to keep track of all of their respective sizes right in my head, but it’s a good thing I try, b/c Dh would be totally clueless, LOL