Taking the Scenic Route

Link, recall on weighted lap pads

24th November 2007

Link, recall on weighted lap pads

posted in Autism, Clicky, In the News |

 RECALL for lead in weighted therapy equiptment like lap pads, vest & blankets


This entry was posted on Saturday, November 24th, 2007 at 4:58 PM and is filed under Autism, Clicky, In the News. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There are currently 2 responses to “Link, recall on weighted lap pads”

  1. 1 On November 24th, 2007, Jessemommy said:

    I have to wonder, what will be next? I’m sure I’ll have an answer shortly, unfortunately.

  2. 2 On November 25th, 2007, ShackintheMountains said:

    If the goal is to keep me from buying anything, it’s starting to work. 

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