TV on it’s last legs
We think the tv is dying. No, I have ZERO intention of going tv-free. Movies, in particular, are a big, big deal in our house. We watch a movie almost every night on our blockbuster monthly “rent as many as you want” thing. I think we would all go stark raving mad without a tv in the house. We will never make good hippies I guess.
It was a floor model at Best Buy back in 1993. We got it on a great sale, and it was one of our first “big purchases”, paid for with tips we had been saving up. It is 32″ and insanely heavy. It takes at least 2 people to move it, often a 3rd to get it through weird spaces. The distortion on the screen used to be almost imperceivable, but we noticed in the last week we are having problems reading the screen when there is writing and the distortion is getting annoying. I am sort of sad to see it go.
*sigh* The prices are good this time of year, but I don’t think we can swing it right now. I hope it hangs on until January, when we will have the money. Maybe we can even get a flat screen. Ahhhh…that would be nice. Easier to move too. lol.
Sigh, I hear ya mama. We’re not totally TV -free, kiddie movies save my sanity (and don’t have the overt advertising that plain old TV/cable does). All of our convenience appliances are going at once too – the DVD player, the microwave, my computer
. If I had to sacrifice one to not replace, it would be the micro.
Honestly for a floor model you got that TV to last a while! Of course nothing ever goes kaput at the “right” time.
My DH is making noises about wanting a new TV, and while I agree it would be nice, there are just so many other things we need more!!! Good luck making the thing last!!