Taking the Scenic Route

Wednesday May 16, 2007

16th May 2007

Wednesday May 16, 2007

posted in Uncategorized |

Well, I promised more pictures last time and then dropped off the internet for a few days.  lol.  I had a lot of photos, but because I don’t know the parents of the other kids well, I needed to modify the photos so they weren’t identifiable, and that took time that I didn’t seem to find until this evening.  I only have a few mother’s day photos because the batteries died, so they are trapped on my memory card until I actually get the batteries charged again. 

Here are some photos from that bittersweet day

Ready to go

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Setting up his visual schedule

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Circle time

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Planting the flowers in his flower pot.  Zora wanted to help, but mostly contented herself by looking at people and books eventually.

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The class photo.  Sitting AND looking the right direction.  Yeah Zane!

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This photo is to illustrate how far he has come this year.  A few weeks into school he was still totally losing it when he left the classroom and came into the crowded hallway were the parents met the kids so we had to arrange to have him held in the class for a bit until the hall cleared out.  The last day the hall was jam packed with excited kids, parents, student clinicians, teachers and other various people and he managed.  He wasn’t thrilled through most of it and verbally told daddy he wanted to go to the house to eat an apple, but he was coping and protective of his flowers.

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We will all miss this class.  It was a turning point in our lives and the people there are so wonderful to work with. 


This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 16th, 2007 at 1:24 AM and is filed under Uncategorized. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

There is currently one response to “Wednesday May 16, 2007”

  1. 1 On May 16th, 2007, Jessemommy said:

    So sweet! It’s wonderful how far you guys have come on this journey!

  • Zane's age

  • Zane is 23 years, 1 month, and 10 days old
  • Zora's age

  • Zora is 19 years, 1 month, and 14 days old
  • Random Quote

  • It is only natural that we and our children find many things hard to talk about. But anything human is mentionable and anything mentionable can be manageable. The mentioning can be difficult, and the managing too, but both can be done if we’re surrounded by love and trust — Fred Rogers

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